Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, July 17, 2015

God Holds Our Lives In His Hands

We know this to be true.  But sometimes it is merely mental agreement, we don't know this through experience.

We all jump in our cars every day, drive around, comment on bad drivers, impatient people etc, but how often do we really consider God's hand on us?

Yesterday there were two car accidents close to where we live.  The first one, was up at the corner of our side street.  Right outside Nate and Kay's house.  She heard it and called 911.  There were five cars involved and someone was trapped in their car.

You can read about it here.

Rachel and I were out running errands when it happened, but we had just left Nate and Kay's house 10 minutes before this happened.
After we got back, I was mowing the property and we got word that at nearly the same time as this first accident, a head on collision took place on another road near us that we travel frequently.

Our friends at Hospitality Lane have been celebrating the engagement of their daughter Chelsea to her beloved Chadd.  In fact, Chelsea blogged their engagement story yesterday.  In the afternoon Chelsea's dad got a call from their friend who was with the local fire company telling him that Chadd had been in this accident.  

Word went out to pray, they had to life flight him to the hospital, he had a severed artery in his leg.  We didn't know if he'd lose his leg or not.  So many things happened yesterday that showed God's hand on Chadd, even though He allowed this accident to happen. Two quick things - there was a nurse midwife who stopped to help, and she was able to apply pressure on Chadd's leg, and the life flight helicopter had been called in for the other accident and was en route, but they determined that Chadd's injuries were more serious and they diverted the flight for him.  The accidents were maybe 3 miles apart.  Both of these things helped keep Chadd alive, as time was so critical for him.  Minutes made the difference. The doctors were able to save his leg!

You can read more at Hospitality Lane.

Yesterday was a powerful reminder that God holds us in His hands, and even when bad things happen, He is working His plan for our lives, for our ultimate good.  He wants us to know Him in all situations.

Please pray for Chadd and Chelsea.  This is one of those "for better or for worse" moments.  They are trusting God and thankful for all the prayer and support they received yesterday.

UPDATE - Chadd is headed to surgery this morning so they can find the source of extra fluid in his pelvic area.  This is causing his heart rate to be high.


Estelle's said...

Oh fragile life can be....thank you for sharing this story and helping to spread the need for prayers.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Thank God, I pray for a complete recovery!

Buttercup said...

Praying and expressing gratitude for all miraculous moments,

Elizabeth said...

Yes "God does hold our lives in his hands" sometimes we never understand why things happen but as I always say"God is in control " so many times people are put in the right place at the right time. It is a beautiful love story of Chelsea and Chadd, my prayers are with them!

Vee said...

Praying right this at Becky's. It shocked me! Have been praying off and on all morning. God certainly has us in His hands and has a wonderful plan for us all as we yield ourselves to Him. Thank you for the update. If you are going to see Becky any time today, please give her a big hug from me.

Sherry said...

i'm praying.........

podso said...

That's an amazing story, and a challenge for them from the start. Some day, God willing, it will be a story of faith to tell their children.

Lorrie said...

A powerful example of God's power. Praying for Chadd and Chelsea.

Karen Andreola said...

Dean was out yesterday afternoon and saw that there had been an accident. When he returned home he learned that there had been another car accident and that it involved Chelsea's Chad. This morning Dean read in the on-line Lancaster paper about the midwife's kindness and skill. She was a God-send. We are praying for Chad's healing. Our hearts go out to the families.

Sophia's baby was delivered this morning - a girl 6lb,9oz. We were praying for her "C" to go well, too.

Rebecca said...

(So many accidents around here, too! Are we driving with more distractions?????)

Theresa said...

I am praying for Chadd and Chelsea! I know that God is with them as they go thru it all! HUGS and MUCH PRAYER!

Cheryl said...

Oh my...I will be sure to add Chadd to my prayer list!! So good to know that God is in control!

Terra said...

I am praying for Chadd and Chelsea and following their story on Facebook and Hospitality Lane. I think God sent the helicopter for Chadd and that nurse on the scene.

Farrah said...

I pray for healing, and understanding of why this happened.

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