Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, November 27, 2009

Getting Ready For Christmas - Bringing Home The Christmas Tree - Kate Greenaway

I am not one to rush the holidays....I like to enjoy each one for what it is.

However the day after Christmas is not spent out "bucking the crowd" as my Grandma Lily would say, but in bringing up the boxes of decorations and putting the house into the holiday spirit!

I like to take a day or two and get it done and then I can sit back and enjoy the season. Well, okay, I don't sit back - this season is full of hospitality and fun times. I like to be ready to for it!

Today, I put up our garlands, and lights and rearranged things from their normal places. I have put the Nativity in a new place this year, and while it is very visible - I need to keep tweaking it as I am not completely satisfied with it. I love to see the kids reactions as the white lights go up and things are made special....this year they helped alot and that was fun!

Tomorrow we are going to cut down our tree and then the inside will be ready! The only thing needed will be to hang the garlands on my picket fence and lamppost. Not sure if I want to put garland around the doorway this year - but I probably will. The weather tomorrow will be better than today - today was cloudy and windy, the feel that will get you in the mood for the holidays. Unless you are in Australia or other southern hemisphere places! Then you are looking forward to your summer holidays!

Hope this is a season of joy for you!


  1. Everything sounds so festive and inviting! I love your home and with the Christmas decorations it is probably even more cozy!
    Geoff want to take the boys to cut down a Christmas tree when we get to Florida. I'll miss having my own place to decorate but we'll definitely enjoy our time at mom and dad's this year.

  2. It is windy and clear here!! Jill and Rodney just made it over the Grapevine and there was snow on the upper mountains!!

    We are cleaning up from clutter and cat and such and then will think about decorating, although in much pain.

    Robert is such a great help to me!!


Welcome to Creekside Cottage - a place of Hospitality, Friendship and Encouragement!

Information Friday

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