Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Living Room and Kitchen On A Rainy Day

The photo quality is not great and it was a very rainy morning, but I wanted to show you what my living room looks like now that I have moved the tv and the computer downstairs to the family room.

This is what you see when you enter through our front door, but friends all enter through the kitchen door that you see.

This is our real life, dogs in the house, kids playing around, coats and bags on couches - the older girls were going to a friends house for the afternoon. If you look closely you can see dishes drying on the stove....probably dust on the piano as well!

You can see the cute child's chair we found at Goodwill, with the lamp on the piano it makes for a cozy reading or knitting spot.

We have a lot of company especially on the weekends, and the arrangement of the furniture insures that there is comfort and is set up for easy conversation. I have room for some bookcases behind the one couch and possibly a small chair in the corner as we love our reading nooks! I am going to play around with that space a bit and see what I come up with...

With no budget for decorating, I most often repurpose items or change rooms around to give me a new look or feel in a room, rather than purchasing something. Do you change this around alot or is this just a sickness I have? Tell me I am not alone!!!


~~Deby said...

I love seeing what you do....and think the arrangement looks cozy...moving stuff around...ahemmm...think we are on the same page...I am not physically able to do it myself these days so wait until the *perfect time* and Jim will do it in a fact...right now I have a idea going in my mind..want to get out the tape measure first as IF it doesn't work, it is too much work to put it all back..oh yes..I love change !

Natalie said...

My husband and I both love changing the living room around often. It seems to work one way for a while and then it seems all wrong a while later. It keeps things interesting. Yours looks very comfortable.

Tracy said...

I am definitely a "mover". I LOVE to rearrange, finding new homes for things and making me feel like I've got a new home.

G said...

I am the same way. always rearranging. I am actually doing that today cause my friend is coming over this week to play wii.

Anonymous said...

it looks so different but i love it


Becky K. said...

I used to move things around a lot, but life has just gotten too busy of late. After the boys graduate...maybe.

Abounding Treasures said...

What a cozy and wonderful kitchen!

No, I'd have to say I leave things-that could be because there's no real room to move things around in any of the rooms :o)

Blessings ...

Tracy said...

I have a small house so I can't move things around. I have every space in my house used up!

Cheri' said...

I love to re-arrange my rooms. It always makes things feel very fresh and new. Your home looks very warm and inviting. I'm sure your friends are blessed by the love and care they receive when they come to your home.

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...