Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Our Time Away

We had a really special time away. My parents were able to join us so that made for 9 people in a 2 bedroom cabin! We doubled up the kids and Emily chose the couch so we all fit. Tip for next time - bring padding for the beds! A little tough sleeping on a rock!
Otherwise the facilities are very nice. Here are some shots of our time away.

This sweet boy was there!

Sarah learned to play rummy...

Emily and Grandma before our walk...

Lindsay loved it all - she, Tim and Emily went on a long hike in the afternoon! They were cold when they got back but had an awesome time!

The winter sky was so beautiful!

We all bundled up for a walk on Tuesday. It was sooo cold. We had fun though at a play area - wait until the girls post their photos of us jumping off the swings and walking on the ice on the lake....

Before we headed home today we went to nearby Hopewell Furnace. We were the only ones there...I guess you need to be crazy to be out in this cold...that lets you know a bit about us, especially when history is available to be experienced!

When the weather is nicer there are lovely volunteers here (not in January or February, but if you go during these months it is free to get in!) showing how they used to make pig iron. They also used to make stoves, and cannons!

This water wheel is very important to the process because the water pressure would power the bellows...isn't it huge?

This kind volunteer was impressed with the kids...they all earned their Junior Ranger badges today! He liked teasing them, and was impressed that Sarah knew why they called it 'pig iron'. Do you know why? When they were making iron to sell to other places to either refine it more or to make it into other items, they made it in long bars of would pour out and come down this trench and into the bar molds off of the sort of looked like a sow nursing they called it 'pig iron.'

We had a lovely time disconnected for a few days....I read mostly and played some rummy and of course Clue! Can't wait to do it again!


Becky K. said...

Wow! You would never guess it was soooooo cold! It looks like a lovely cabin and so much fun.

See you tomorrow night.

Tracy said...

It sounds like you all had a lovely time. How wonderful that your parents were able to join you. I'm sure Lindsay was tickled with her birthday trip!

Melissa G said...

Welcome back! I'm glad you had a good time away. And next time we visit we'll have to play Settlers together! =)

sherry said...

Oh wow - what a peaceful looking location and what wonderful togetherness in that cabin. Soooo thankful your time away was nice. You and yours deserve it!

jAne *

Karen said...

Sounds like a perfect trip. I'm glad you were able to get away as a family for a time of fun.

The Hopewell Furnace looks really cool, too. And no, I didn't know about pig iron. Interesting!

As for the spinning the bird thing...I think someone gifted that bird to my g'parents years ago. Gramps started the kids spinning it soon after. I think he hated it and hoped it would get ruined. Instead, it has outlived my grandparents and the tradition is a sweet reminder of them.

Karen said...

Happy New Year to you, too!

(I meant to add that in my comment and hit enter too soon. Old age, I'm tellin' ya...)

Anonymous said...

Looks cold but glad you had fun!!!

Alicia @ said...

Welcome home! Glad you had fun! Family vacations are the best, sharing it with the ones you love!

Kelly said...

Glad you all had such a nice time. It looks heavenly to me, although I don't know if we would have braved the cold as much.

I love the photos and look forward to seeing you all tomorrow night?

Looks like Sarah found her boots before you left for your trip:)

Tracy said...

Looks like you had a great time. Always nice to get away with the family

Terri said...

Looks like a really relaxing, reconnecting time away from the busyness of life!!!

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...