Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, April 4, 2011

A Bit Of Change for Spring

 It all started innocently enough, with a desire to change my living room curtains.  I have had my other curtains up for several years.  They are deep red and I love the warmth they add to the room! But I wanted a change for summer.  I have always loved the way blue and white looks together and when I decided to go with white curtains, I knew I would move the red accents out for the season and bring in a bit of blue.

 The white curtains were a big risk because we have black lab mix dogs and tons of black dog hair every where.  This was why I decided to go with the shorter curtains.  Just hanging these in place of the red long curtains made such huge difference in the feel of the room.  It feels more spacious now.

 Of course removing the red accents for now has lead to some items to be a bit naked!  This light fixture usually has red lamp shades on it.  Removing them lead me to have a clean sparse look.

 I covered a red pillow with some blue fabric that I had in my stash.  I am working on some yellow ones also.

 Of course the red lampshades got moved to storage and I tried 3 different kinds of lampshades before I settled on these.  I really love them, and they are lovely lit up at night.

 This is a faux leather shade - it glows at night too.

 I bought one blue accent plate for my shelf.  It is from Target and cost me $2.49.  It's plastic.  Gotta love it!

 Isn't it pretty?

 I don't want to spend a lot of money on redecorating, so I am just adding a bit of blue here and there.  

This is a lovely Johnson Brothers plate I already had.  It adds a nice blue touch over my kitchen counters.

If you want to see the way the living room looked before with all the red accents go here. Of course, all the lovely red will come back out in the fall.  I love my red, it brings warmth and coziness that I adore in the fall and winter.  This is just a bit of crazy fun for Spring and Summer.

 Joining Smiling Sally's Blue Monday meme. 


sherry said...

love the new look, deanna. it's fresh and clean and oh so welcoming. your red room was too - nice for a change though, hm?

still love that tweed chair you claim. :o) please know that if i ever get out your way, i'm taking it. wink.


Anonymous said...

LOVE the white sheer curtains!!! All the light makes a room look so bright and roomy!! Looking good!!

Becky K. said...

I love the blues....It is fun to make changes even when we know they are temporary.

Anonymous said...

OOO! They have a ton of really cute blue and white stuff at Target!! Like pillows, rugs, ect!! =)

Love Jill

Unknown said...

Your room is wonderful!! I too love white and blue...adding yellow will look great too.
As for you lampshades *awesome* Now all you need are some of my white hobnail pieces made by Fenton..heheheh!! Blessings hon.

Terri said...

I like what the new curtains do to your room! Looks open and light and like Spring is actually going to come! Love the new blog background too!

Ronda said...

Hi Mrs. Deanna,

I LUV the blue white and yellow combo. Fresh, springy, light and lovely.

BUT, I do so luv all your red too..

Love & Prayers,

Anonymous said...

Mrs Rabe,I love the red, but this spring/summer look is fantastic, the ivy reminds me of the crown of thorns(I don't know why,but when I first looked,thats what poped in my head),love the blue and white Johnson Bro's too, but the blue and white plate(plastic) is beautiful,what a great idea,I don't like to spend lots of $$$ decorating either, so this will make a fabulous change for buck.Thanks for sharing.I'm visiting from Blue Monday(Sally).
Hey I have "some" blue too, come see!

Erica (Irene) said...

Love the Blue and White....HAPPY BLUE MONDAY!!!!

SmilingSally said...

You can't go wrong adding blue.

Happy Blue Monday!

Be sure to check out my book giveaway.

Gypsea Nurse said...

Johnson Bros. never fails!
Happy Blue!

Lesley said...

After a long winter, it is fun to bring out something fresh for the warmer weather.

joyh82 said...

Like the sheer curtains and love the teacup rack with the blue china.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...