Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 180

Today we hit our official 180th day of required schooling.  I have a love/hate relationship with this.  Part of me loves it - "WooHoo!  We're done!"  But actually that is the reason I hate it as well!  I don't want my kids to have the mindset of being 'done' learning.  

Actually, we have until June 30th to turn our evaluations into the school district.  And our evaluations are going to be May 25th.  That is a whole month away.  In the meantime, we are going to continue to read, finish up some math, pull together our portfolios, print off our reading lists, decide which art projects we want to show our evaluator, etc.

I do love being finished before our state homeschool convention, which is next month.  That way I can focus on next year.  Some years when we are not finished before the convention, I am so excited thinking about next year that I don't want to finish up what we are working on!

I am going to do more of a year round learning schedule starting this next year.  I found this year that sometimes when life comes along, you need to feel like you can take some time off, and not get behind.

We went on a Behind the Scenes tour at Sight and Sound yesterday.  It was really fun, and so interesting.  Afterward, we had lunch at Sonic so that will serve as our celebration for finishing up!  And tonight, my sweetheart is taking me out on a date - so that will serve as a reward for me!

I am already thinking of what we are going to study next year, what books I want to find, what kinds of field trips to focus on next year...I love it!


Becky K. said...

We are headed in a different direction next year but it should be fun... Our house filled with culinary treats, art and music.

Congratulations on finishing up so early!! I remember last year. Not so much fun.

Melissa G said...

Have fun with your hubby on your date!
Congratulations on finishing school. I'm sure i'll have a ton of questions for you and mom about home schooling.

Anonymous said...

7 days left here.

Home Keeping

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