Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Back To Reality

Still enjoying enormous satisfaction with the wedding, but most importantly with the marriage of my daughter.  She texted me briefly today (Joseph was texting his mom too).  They are doing well, enjoying married life, and the area that they are honeymooning in.

What parent doesn't want to hear that?  

Today we are slowly getting back to reality.  Tim's Mom, sister, bro in law and daughter (the wedding photographer) flew home yesterday.  We spent the evening with my parents and my brother, sister in law, nephew who flew in from California.  It was a lot of fun.

 They were in the middle of a game of 14 when we got there so we just joined in the conversation.

 My sister in law Paula

 My brother Robert

 My mom, my niece Kaitlin (who lives in PA now), and my brother.  Looks like he's trying to convince them of something.  Ha ha.

Miss Kamryn with her new haircut.  Grandpa was enjoying time with her while she was playing Auntie Paula's tablet.

 Her mama and I both prefer her with her long hair, but she is adorable anyway!

Oh, and my niece the wedding photographer posted this photo of Lindsay and Joseph right after the wedding!  Isn't it lovely?

We are going to deliver the rest of Lindsay's things to their home and then begin our big project of this week - switching bedrooms around. I think I may have mentioned this once or twice.

We get the master bedroom back, Emma's going to Kyle's room, Sarah and Rachel are going to our room and Kyle is going to Rachel and Sarah's room.  If you were able to follow that you are amazing!

I'll take photos, and try not to bore you with too many details.  If you know me at all, you'll know how excited I am about this project!  I think we are going to wait to paint the rooms.  It would be easier to do it first, but all my helpers are tired and the thought of painting on top of moving rooms around?  Well, they just aren't into it.  So sometimes you have to compromise, and that is what I am doing.  

We'll see how long that lasts.


Cheryl said...

Lindsay is gorgeous in that photo!!

I was able to follow the bedroom switch, probably because I have been there! And I do know you and know that you are on Cloud 9 with the projects ahead. I think that house projects are the perfect thing after a wedding. It gives you something to get excited about, and it helps you to change gears and restructure. We did the same thing after Ryan got married. (Kindreds, you know.) ;)

Terra said...

Congratulations to the happy couple, I love the wedding photos and that last one with your daughter glowing with happiness is priceless.

jo said...

Wow, that photo is stunning and captures so much. A beautiful bride glowing with happiness and love. I only know you through your blog but that pic makes me emotional, young love is a wonderful thing. And the glow from that precious first kiss xxx

Rebecca said...

Yes, the photo of the newly weds is REALLY beautiful.....Kamryn looks pixie-ish in her new hairdo...and your room changes sound ambitious :)

Vee said...

Oh gosh! I thought you'd all just collapse. And now you're playing the shell game. Ha! No, I couldn't follow, but weren't rooms recently painted?

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

It is really cute on her with her tiny features!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I just saw this one today and I love it!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I agree Terra!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

It's fun being Kindreds with you!

Sue said...

I am so sorry I missed the wedding but have now caught up. It certainly was a beautiful wedding, I loved their expressions of love for each other in the photos, how sweet of them to keep in touch, our daughter did the same with us, we thought this was precious. You must tell me your secret for your energy, looking forward to you sharing of the rearranging of the rooms, and then how about some rest. ~smile~
Blessings Sue

Lorrie said...

How great to have a project to look forward to. That's a good thing after all the hustle and bustle of the last few months. Otherwise, life seems to just seem flat for a bit. Such a precious look on your daughter's face in the photograph your niece took.

Julianne Primer said...

The wedding was lovely, lovely! And....oh! I love rearranging furniture...wish I could come over and play! Again, I am in great anticipation to see how it all turns out. I am amazed at your energy! How do you do it??

Debbie said...

Well first... long hair or short, she is as cute as a button. I had forgotten about the recent scissor adventure. Second: I love the wedding photo. I know I've already said it, but that dress is so gorgeous and perfect to me. I even dragged my husband to the computer to show him a picture of it, like a man cares...

And third: I *get* your excitement about the room switch, too. We're currently doing a fruit basket turnover here because of furniture we're getting Friday from my MIL's home. It's NOT the way you want to get furniture, but the domino effect is going to effect at least three rooms, and that's kind of exciting. (The rest is going into storage for her granddaughters' homes someday. )

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...