Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Family Culture: Teaching A Daughter To Cook

We had found that Sarah's education in certain areas was, shall we say, lacking?

As the youngest of the sisters in the family, it was easy for us to just do the baking and cooking.  We neglected to teach her!

Well, today, she and I took the opportunity to start her on the path to the fun of cooking and baking.  We decided to start with cinnamon rolls.  Why not start with something you like to eat, when your just starting out?  It makes it more fun!

 Here Sarah is wearing a dusting of flour and her adorable apron that she bought at Fresh Vintage.  

 She wanted to do the kneading by hand…

 Here are the cinnamon rolls right after they came out of the oven! Don't they look great?

Here is the one I chose with the frosting on it!  It was delicious!

 One of these years I'll be able to send her into the kitchen to create a whole meal, not just Cinnamon Rolls.  Though she can make these anytime.  


Cheryl said...

Yes, they DO look great!! I love these kinds of school lessons. :D

I love Sarah's apron too. As soon as I saw it, it brought back special memories of our visit to Fresh Vintage. It is such a lovely shop!

Vee said...

Oh you're killing me! Those look so good. Sarah did a beautiful job and, besides, she looks awfully cute in that apron.

Estelle's said...

Love this!!!! Cooking with children is such fun and what an incredible outcome!

podso said...

Looks like a delicious lesson!

The Old Parsonage said...

She looks like a pro and so do the rolls. I'm teaching our Happy Homemaker to make ravioli on Saturday!


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