Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

More Wedding Photos

For those of you, like me, who love to look at wedding photos, here are a few more.

 I love my girl and I am so happy for her!

 Beautiful junior bridesmaids - sister of the bride on the left, sister of the groom on the right.

 Sister of the groom

 Sister of the bride

 Sister of the bride

 The Bride is coming!  One thing we love about Joseph is his love for our daughter which he never hides!

 The ring bearer is a brother of the groom, the flower girl a dear little friend of Lindsay's.

 Happy bride!  I wanted to show a good shot of Lindsay's face, but this one caught Tim looking down a bit.

Love this photo!

 Our pastor did the service, but Joseph and Lindsay both wanted the dads to share something.  Tim brought tears to my eyes when he spoke about me!  That caught me off guard.

Father of the groom

Joseph and Lindsay chose to do things that were meaningful to them and not just "have a unity candle because everyone does."  They had no unity candle but they wrote a wedding covenant for themselves and signed it during the ceremony.
You can see by their rings that they have already spoken their vows and exchanged rings.

Then the kiss

And the recessional

Right after the ceremony!

I'm trying not to share too many, as they have not seen them all yet!

 I do know that she loves this one!

 Our photo with extended family, we were missing some dear ones.

Joseph's immediate family - Mom, Dad and siblings!

 Wonderful food

 A wonderful cake and fun topper!

After a little bit of English Country dancing they were off!

What a happy day!


Cheryl said...

Oh, I am with you...I LOVE wedding pictures!!

These are all so wonderful! Tim escorting Lindsay down the aisle and the expression on her face...Joseph's adoring looks...the family group photos...the beautiful wedding party...I love them all!

It is such a glorious occasion when one believer joins another in marriage. Such a reason to celebrate!!

Humble wife said...

I loved every photo! As one that has just had a wedding, I am emotional seeing another as special. Your new son-in-law seems to be the perfect addition to your family and of course the most important thing is how very much he loves your daughter!

Wonderful, wonderful!!

Vee said...

Wonderful photos! Sweet faces! And I love Lindsays's hair!

sherry. said...

so well planned and beauty inspired. love it all! especially the hearts being joined... :)

Estelle's said...

These are all lovely wedding photos! Everyone is so beautiful and looks so very happy! Such lovely memories you have now! Thank you so much for sharing with us!

Estelle's said...

What lovely wedding photos! Everyone looks so happy and so beautiful! What lovely memories you have now. Congrats and thank you for sharing with us!

Lorrie said...

Wonderful photos. Love all the happy faces, especially those of the bride and groom.

Karen said...

I've been loving the photos you've been sharing. What a special day you had!

I especially love how, in any picture that contains both Lindsay and Joseph, he is always, always gazing adoringly at her, never at the the camera.

podso said...

Great photos! You and your girls look so much alike. Flowers are pretty, and do love their hairstyles. And the signing a covenant is a neat idea. The groom has 12 siblings?

Anna said...

What a beautiful wedding! I love her dress.
Mrs. Rabe, you are always faithful to be a blessing and an encouragement to me. Thank you!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Thank you Jen! We are all full of joy!


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Isn't that sweet? He really loves her and admires and respects her. We tease them but are so thankful that it is true!

They are happy, happy, happy!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


Thank you for your sweet words. You have been an inspiration to me, with your gentle loving heart.

Unknown said...

Wonderful pictures. Loved the picture of mother and daughter. The picture of Dad and daughter was such a wedding moment, the bride happily looking forward to the future, the father wistfully looking back ? Thanks for sharing.

The Old Parsonage said...

The love that they have for each other comes shining through. Show more! Show more! After they get to see them of course.


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