Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, February 27, 2017

My Heart Is Overflowing With Thankfulness

It's been two weeks of spending time with family, building relationships, loving on our grandbabies, and caring for Tim's mom.

When we were driving home last Tuesday, Emma, Vinnie, and Isla were headed up here from South Carolina.  We had not seen them since the weekend before Thanksgiving and Isla was only a month old then.

Now at four months, she is interactive and alert.  

Yesterday we had a big family lunch together - including these two little monkeys!
I've got the cutest grandgirlies!

 Lindsay had scheduled a LARP day at our house for this same afternoon.  LARP stands for Live Action Role Play.  They had a whole time period picked out and a story line.  She had a big campfire and cooked beef stew over the fire.  They had a grand time.  Afterward some of them came in and ate some dessert and visited for a while. Some of my kids were involved, besides Lindsay, and some friends from childhood and then also from work came to play.
 There was also a new to us game being played all week, and yesterday.  It's called Coup.  Have you ever played?

Lots of baby holding went on yesterday, too!

Kyle and Kamryn are always excited when Joseph brings his Surface along.  That means they get to play Minecraft.

 Here's my handsome oldest son!

 Our niece Nicole dropped by for the afternoon, too!  She and Emma are good friends.

My Momma and Daddy were here all afternoon and into the evening, too!
It was a really fun day.

This morning our dear ones are on the road again, headed back for the last trimester of classes for Vinnie.  We will see them in April, as we are planning on going down to their school for the yearly prayer conference.

I'm so thankful for the time we all had together as a family.  I love seeing my adult children enjoy each other and each others' families.  Baby passing, late nights talking, hanging out with grandparents. 

It really blesses my heart.


Mrs. Chrissy T said...

I love times of gathering. Isn't refreshing?

Linda said...

No wonder your heart is filled and flowing over! What a big beautiful family you have!!! So much joy in every photo! Being together is always a good reason for rejoicing!! Wishing you a lovely week while you continue to bask in the glow of these family moments!

Sandi said...

What fun ages!

My great-nephew is four months old. He is about the same size!

Vee said...

Wonderful...and how good that you will get a new filling in April...hardly any time at all. Your granddaughters are all beauties and they look kind of related, too.

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

How wonderful you had so many generations of family together. You must have had a ball! And your grands are precious to be sure! : - )

Sherry said...

a wonderfully full life .. ♥

Cheryl said...

Awww . . . such wonderful, fun times of family togetherness! What a blessing! No wonder your heart is full!!

I would certainly have been in the baby-holding line-up if I had been there. Oh my, such cuteness. Yes, you do have darling grandchildren!!

Theresa said...

It blesses my heart too:) Enjoyed seeing you all loving spending time together! Sweet baby smiles! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

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