Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

What I Did This Weekend

We had a really nice weekend.  Sunday we didn't watch the big game, but I called English Country Dances for a nice group of friends after church, and then in the evening we watched a movie at home.

I bought some yarn on Friday and knitted this cowl this weekend.  I wore it out to dinner tonight.

I've been reading these books and since I hop around, it's taking me a while to get through them.  I'm okay with that as part of the enjoyment of reading is the journey through the book.

Emma sent me this photo of Kyle as a baby.
Wasn't he a darling baby?  He'll be 12 this year.  Unbelievable.

Nate will be 28 this year, Lindsay is 25, Emma will be 23, Rachel will be 18, Sarah will be 15, and Kyle 12.  How can my kids be getting so old when I am still so young?! lol!

I'm so thankful for the relationships we have as a family.  There have been really hard things along the way, but God has always been faithful and good.  That's because that's who He is.  


Sylvia said...

You did a great job on your Cowl, Denna, looks so good on you!
Babies do grow up fast don't they, I have a grandson that will be 12 this year, he's the youngest, so no more "babies".

Sherry said...

beautiful cowl! love the blue and green together .. it highlights your own prettiness. ♥♥

Theresa said...

Seriously? You bought the yarn and then you wore it? AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Patti said...

Really pretty cowl, Deanna. You did a great job! By the way, you look like you have lost more weight. Congratulations!

I like your philosophy about reading...that the journey through the book is part of the pleasure of reading. Sometimes, in my endeavor to meet my yearly reading goal, I am more focused on finishing a book and getting on to another one than I am in actually enjoying what I'm reading. That ought not to be. Yes, a goal is great, but the process of getting there should be appreciated and savored.


Deanna said...

All the best to you this fine wintery day. I never learned to knit or crochet. I will admire those that do. Lovely skill to have. Children do grow really fast. Almost makes my head spin.

podso said...

Nice cowl! And it sounds like a fun weekend. I appreciated your previous post as well. I had the same experience in my teenage years, an older woman (6-7 years my senior) who came alongside me to "do life" together. I grew much in my walk with Christ because of her and I think, as you indicate, that it is natural to mentor others when you have been mentored yourself. I have mentored many women over many years, all because of the example given to me.

Vee said...

You look so pretty in that color! Nice job. All your kiddos are cute! I like the red suit you have on Kyle. Wish that I could have watched the game. It must have been exciting. I liked the symbolism of Patriots pulling ahead from behind and winning as much as they are my team from my corner.

Cheryl said...

Your did a fine job on your cowl and you look lovely in it!

I love the picture of Baby Kyle! Oh, kids do grow up so fast . . . Sometimes I wonder how in the world my children could be the ages that they are. After all, wasn't I that age just a little bit ago?!

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