Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, July 31, 2023


 Many of you probably know by now that the dear friend of mine who passed a week ago yesterday, was Vee Swanson. Her blog A Haven For Vee was a popular one, and I met a lot of great blogging friends from the comment section of her blog. Her Note Card Party was really fun. 

{Here} is a link to the post that Abby at Little Birdie Blessings wrote for the family, and there is also a link to the obituary.

   Vee and I were talking about this photo recently and we decided we both looked better now than in 2011! (grin)

Now, to share my weekend.

I have had a lot on my plate emotionally, as well as physically, lately so Tim and I took Saturday to get out of the house and go somewhere new.

We drove down to Saint Michaels, Maryland which is on the Eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay. It was a hot day, but it was fun to drive around and see the area.

There were a ton of tourists, and a big traffic accident, so we headed away from Saint Michaels and went toward Annapolis. I thought a drive around the Naval Academy might be fun, but alas there was another accident on the bay bridge.

This made for another change in plans. We popped into an antique store were I fond some silver spoons for $2 and a small picnic style basket for $8. Then we drove down to Wye Island Natural Resource Management Area. We saw turkeys, vultures, and a beautiful buck.

It was a good day spent together.

When I got home Rachel had left a gift for me.

I'd been wanting a new travel type mug to use for daily use. One that has a handle, and she told me about a kind she liked. I came home to one! So sweet of her.

I got more Red Haven peaches on Thursday and we've been enjoying them. 

Today is the last day of July. Amazing. 

Summer is flying by. We'll be starting school soon. But that is several weeks away yet.

I hope you had a good weekend. 

Friday, July 28, 2023

Information Friday


Let's look at my lovely hydrangea! This is one I added last year, and Tim transplanted it for me.

Right now the masons are building up the basement walls with cement block and we can't use water or flush toilets. We were out all morning and just came back around noon.

Let's look at the news from this week.

Today is a three year delta on this Q post. Trump retruthed both of these posts.

Yesterday DJT posted this truth.

Later he got hit with three more charges in the documents case.

Biden says he never met any business partners nor had any conversation with his brother or his son regarding their businesses.

Hungary's president Viktor Orban is a good friend of DJT.

Keep praying and have a great weekend.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Anniversary, Construction, and Cancer

Yesterday was my parents 64th wedding anniversary! Dad had an appointment with his oncologist. They got all the tumor, the lymph nodes were clear, but there was a nodule that came out with the lymph that had cancer cells in it.  Drat.
Dad has decided to do a half dose of chemo for 6 months. I hate the thought of him taking this stuff when there may not be any cancer in his body at all. But as he says, he can stop taking it anytime he decides to stop.

We had planned to go out to eat with the family, and I also invited friends of my parents but didn't tell them. It was a good evening.

Tim and Kyle moved the ramp to the front of the house on Sunday. Besides the basement door, this is our only option for going out of the house.

A good chunk of driveway will now be where the garage will be, and a small part is basement. Our existing driveway will be pretty short when it's all done.

This photo below was taken yesterday. Today they are still at it and the masons are here forming up where the concrete will be poured. I think that may happen tomorrow! Block for the walls will be happening on Friday.

It's crazy how fast it's going right now. After talking about it for years, it's actually happening.

Tim is helping as much as he can. He is driving the yellow cat in the photo. 

This is what is happening here. What's happening in your world?

Monday, July 24, 2023


 This weekend we had digging going on in our backyard!

The basement of the addition is underway!

Here are the pieces of the deck that got taken down.

This video shows the rest of the basement space.

On Saturday Tim, Wes, and our friend Dean built a fence for a single lady in our church. She is away on a missions trip and will be so glad to see her fence when she gets home! (it is not a surprise)

They did a great job!

On Sunday, I began a new ministry. I am a helper in the 2-4th grade Sunday School class. I loved it!

I also had heartache this weekend, as my dear friend went to be with the Lord. I'm glad for her, but heartbroken for her dear family and friends. 

What happened in your world this weekend?

Friday, July 21, 2023

Information Friday


Our deck is as old as the house, which is about 37 years old. Tim did a lot of work to it a few years after we moved in. Today it is coming down. In fact, they are taking it down right now.

We had evening dates on the deck when the kids were small, enjoyed meals, afternoons under the umbrella. We'll have a new deck when the addition is done. 

How we live our life will be vastly different for the next 4 months! I'm taking video and photos and will keep you all up to date with the construction.

On to the information.

The House Committees are really on fire these days!

Yesterday, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was on a panel being questioned regarding censorship. Before he can begin his opening statement, the Democrats ranking member begins to interfere and then calls for a vote to have him excluded from testifying! They censored him, or tried too, at a censorship hearing. They are trying to claim he has made 'racist' remarks. The video is long but worth watching.

This video is of a writer from the New York Post whose accounts were shut down because they were posting about Hunter Biden and his laptop.

The Biden's are a corrupt family. Making money off selling access to the then VP and access to top secret information.

We are at a very dangerous point in our nation's history. The media no longer keep government accountable, they are complicit in the deep state lies. The justice department and law enforcement (fbi) hide the corruption of the deep state. Sharyl Attkisson a reporter who used to work for CBS, was fired and her family threatened and harassed because of a story she was working on that was not the ds narrative.

Here is a great Ben Garrison cartoon.

Well friends, that's all I've got for today. Pray, pray, pray. 

Every time the Biden corruption is being seen, they indict DJT on charges. This time I believe it will be about January 6th. They want to try him in DC because of the corruption there. No fair trial if you are a conservative!

Late October Weekend

  I had a quiet weekend at home, and I enjoyed it.  I cut some of my limelight hydrangea, now with their autumn blush on them and took them ...