Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Weekend and Happenings


This weekend was a busy one.

Kyle, Tim, and I did things to prepare for the foundations to be dug. The biggest thing was preparing the garden. We had to take two picket fence sections out, a post, and we must take the lamppost down as well.

One picket fence section is out because the ramp to the house will go through there to the front door.

Saturday was so hot and humid, too! Yikes. The guys trimmed up branches on the maple trees, transplanted two hydrangea and a rose bush.

We anticipated the digging to start this week, and unfortunately it will start probably Friday. The contractor has his masons scheduled, for the basement and foundation, to come next week. So it's going to be interesting.

Sunday we had a baptismal service then a lunch at church and then we came home and crashed for a while. Early evening Tim and I got into the pool.

While we were in we got a text from our friends who normally come visit in June on their way up to New Hampshire for the summer. They were having a late start to their summer, and were planning to go straight up to NH, but changed their minds if we were okay with them coming. 

Of course we were! They ended up staying an extra day and it was so much fun.

I took no photos, but had lots of pool time with Jane, dinner out, and we found Red Haven peaches! My favorite!

It was a few days of peace and fun before construction starts!


Kim said...

Sounds like a lovely way to spend your preconstruction days! I hope Friday goes well, without any bumps at all.

Donna said...

Good luck through the construction!
Glad your friends came for a visit!
Happy weekend!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Loved the garden photos you caught before the changes begin in earnest. I'm sorry it's so hot while you are all working on this hard stuff.
Happy weekend.

Cheryl said...

You are a master at unexpected hostessing - ask me how I know! - and I'm sure that your guests were warmly welcomed and felt totally at home! So glad you were able to have some lovely fun before construction begins in earnest. Although I have a feeling that your home will still be a happy hub even during the chaos of renovations!

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