Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, July 10, 2023

Weekend and Garden Talk


I hope you had a lovely weekend. Ours was nice, filled with home work. 

I stripped the bed, my guys rotated our mattress, and washed the bedding along with our two slip covers from our Ikea Ektorp chairs.

Everything is nice a fresh, and climbing into bed on fresh sheets is always amazing, isn't it?

I have Larkspur, Echinacea, and Feverfew in bloom right now, along with hydrangea, and I have Rudbeckia blooming and some roses, too.

Tim says that my garden may be where the soil from digging out the garage foundation may go. Yikes. This space might be a giant disaster very soon. I have a few things that are 'must saves.'

I'm recognizing a kind of grief at losing my plants. Of course, I have grief anyway because a dear friend of mine is dying. I do recognize that my garden can be made new, just like my friend. Her life was made new when she accepted Christ as her savior and very soon, she will be with him.

My plants have become like friends. They give me so much joy, and some I've had for a long time.

Here is a video I made where I talk about what's going to be happening. The garden is a mess, but it's going to be a bigger mess before the construction is finished!

I want to end with a photo I took last Thursday. Kyle's friends make Lord of the Rings movies (Kyle is Bilbo, Gimli, and a few other characters. They were filming Galadriel's Mirror scene in our woods. They had "Lothlorien" lit up so beautifully. 

I had to zoom in on this so the photo quality is not great.

I hope you all are well, and that you have a wonderful week.


Kim said...

Enjoyed watching your video, so fun to hear your lovely voice! I've been there with the construction and the moving doors and trying to establish new patterns that work for you and garden reconfiguring. It's not easy, I found it a little disorienting, but I know in end you'll love it all. In the meantime, spend as much time as you can in the pool floating around! Haha! It helps! Also, we just planted roses along our new fence and we're learning, too.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Enjoyed your post, Deanna. I feel the lurch in my own soul about losing your lovely garden. I'm glad you are able to save a few of your favourites to replant later on. And what fun for your movie-making Kyle and his friends. We are well here... laundry on the go, working on a blog post, and we enjoyed an early morning rain with rumbling thunder. Clouds have moved along so what I hear now is the chattering of red-winged blackbirds -- they've been bringing their young to our feeders and what a chattering -- they make kind of a squeaky toy whistle. So cute.

Wishing you a beautiful week ahead...
Brenda xo

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

PS. Oh, and I agree about the utter delight of climbing into a bed with fresh sheets and pillowslips. B

Cheryl said...

I can understand your grieving your garden. It brings you such joy, and, although it will be a fun challenge to begin a new place of beauty, there is still the letting go of the old. It is hard to let go. I am also so sorry for the soon parting of your dear friend. Although we cannot feel sorry for one who is in Glory, we can certainly feel sorry for ourselves in the letting go. It is never easy to say good-bye to someone we love . . . we're never "ready."

Donna said...

Love all your flowers! And I loved hearing your voice on the video!

Theresa said...

I enjoy my plants too. The garden will be beautiful when it is in a new spot. I understand grief all too well and will be praying for your friend🙏🏼. Big hugs and prayers coming your way❤️

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