Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, August 25, 2023

Information Friday


I had fun playing around with this template. It cut my hair off weird when cutting out the background!

Well, Georgia has arrested DJT and he released his mug shot last night on Truth Social.

Finally the case for election fraud and interference will be able to be shown in court.

This tells us everything we need to know about these former presidents.

This made me laugh!

The views are at 254,000,000!

Mark my words - The dems will replace JB and Kamala. They'd like the Republicans to do it so they can blame them, but I believe the Republicans want the dems to do it. Either way, Joe will not be the candidate at election time. Nor will KH.

It is very concerning when those who are supposed to uphold the law, ignore the law, and bring the kind of charges that go against the Constitution. Since when is it illegal or a crime to question an election? Or tell people to tune into a certain cable channel to see a state press conference? Free speech is what makes the US unique. We can say what we think, even if it is not nice. 

This administration is trying to take away the right for anyone to question or speak against what they are doing. That's evil, my friends.

I've had a few comments about how I as a Christian woman can support DJT. I feel perfectly free to support him. He's not perfect, but he is also not guilty of the crimes they've charged him with. It's telling because they've not charged any dems (Clintons etc) who actually did the things they are claiming that Trump did.

I am using my God given discernment. I pray and ask God to help me to see truth.

I do not feel the need to prove my views or to argue with any one who has differing views. It is your right to have different views than me. I will not be arguing with you about it. 

In other news, the addition is coming right along!

Happy Weekend!


Sallie Borrink said...

Most of them time when people ask Christians how they can support DJT, they aren't asking sincerely. It's an attempt to weaponize our Christian faith against us and make us doubt ourselves. They have weaponized our Christian goodness, kindness, and trust for a long time. That's a big reason why we're in the mess we are in this country. Too many Christians think it's not okay or even necessary to care about "worldly" things. I heard one pastor say that he has no problem voting for DJT as POTUS, but he wouldn't make him an elder in his church. I agree. I don't look to Trump for my spiritual guidance. Using the standards these people want to put on us, God couldn't have used anyone in the OT or NT because everyone He did work through was flawed, sometimes in significant ways. I don't often comment, but I appreciate your Friday posts.

Little Birdie Blessings said...

I almost snorted when I saw your new "profile picture". Our friend Vee would have loved it. Thanks for all the information you've provided Deanna. These times are certainly crazy, actually unbelievable and I appreciate you bringing the truth to light. Showing you some support that this Christian woman supports Trump as well.

Little Birdie Blessings said...

Forgot to mention, WOW - on the addition. Lots of progress there.

Linda said...

I have a Twitter account - now an X account? Anyway I signed in for the first time in years to add my support for President Trump! Things are getting interesting!

Anonymous said...

I loved your template too funny!
Your addition is coming along nicely ,I bet you can’t wait for it to be finished.
I have faith that everything will all be ok in the end and that we will see justice served hopefully sooner than later thanks for putting out information Friday. I am digging and investigating every day like it’s my job lol I am fortunate to have lots of likeminded friends to share information with it’s gone on for far too long.
So glad that you were able to attend Vee’s celebration of her life ,I always enjoyed her blog
Hope you will have a great weekend
Sharon from nj

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

I share your views wholeheartedly, Deanna!

Donna said...

Love the addition! Can't wait to see more!
I think the Liberals will be having a Come to Jesus meeting very soon...The country is SO ready for their votes to be Counted!

cheryl said...

I love our God and I love your information Fridays. You always have such interesting and informative information. I don't watch too much news because so much is a lie. Thank you for all you do and post. God bless you and your family. Take care. Cheryl

Anonymous said...

Your addition looks great. Really nice. I pray God answers your prayers about seeing truth. It's alright to have an opinion and question how things are going, but ones conduct shouldn't be ignored. Deanna, I believe you have to dig deeper than what these memes are saying. May our Constitution stay in place. If President Trump isn't perfect, what is he?

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