Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

This and That


This is an older photo but the flowers that are blooming in my garden right now are the same. I had one zinnia bloom this year. The garden is so upheaved, due to the construction, that its a wonder anything is in bloom! Limelights and Echinacea for the win!

The addition is moving right along, and the trusses will be here and put in place on Thursday!

This photo is taken from my parents new bedroom.

This photo is taken in the new kitchen looking into my parents new living room.

Once the trusses are on all the extra boards holding the walls will come off, since they won't be needed anymore.

Our dear friends Rick and Jane, could use some prayer. Rick is having some health issues and they had to cut their time at the lake in NH short and go home. Pray with us for healing.

The fire in Maui is horrible. My aunt and cousin live there. My cousin had to be evacuated but her home was spared. I've seen video showing that downed wires due to high winds were sparking, meaning they had electricity flowing in them. The power company are supposed to cut the electricity when the winds get to a certain strength and they certainly met the requirements on that day. Interesting that the area of the fire is where BlackRock was trying to buy properties so they could build luxury homes. The people didn't want to sell.  A more horrific thing is that schools in that area had sent kids home due to the winds and many kids might have been home alone and not know or be able to evacuate. I think we are in for some horrific information.
I am horrified by Biden's response when asked if he had any statement for the people of Maui. He responded, "No. No comment," then he smiled as he got in his vehicle. There was no leadership or compassion. No, "Jill and I are praying for everyone going through this horrible thing." No, "I've got FEMA on the ground and they are working to help everyone."
He's more despicable everyday. They are giving each family $700 as a one time payment. That'll be helpful. But he wants to send Billions more to Ukraine.

Last night I made BLTs with good bacon and fresh local tomatoes! Oh, my they were so good! It was a wonderful summer meal after a very busy day.

Two of my friends came over and we had tea and visited. My friend Katie's boys swam in the pool. It was a good day. Today, I'll be driving my parents to Lebanon to the VA, for a visit with my dad's oncologist.

Wednesday and Thursday I have all four local grands, and on Thursday friends are coming to swim. Friday Tim and I are headed to Maine for Vee's memorial gathering. It'll be a whirlwind trip but it will be so good to be there. I miss her.

Well friends, that's all I have for today. I'm praying that you all are walking with and trusting the Lord. Times are hard, likely will get a bit harder for a while. I do believe good things are coming. Pray and trust God with the details.  


Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Have a safe trip. I'd rather have the $600 go to helping the residents on Maui.

Kim said...

I didn't realize you had relatives in Maui. I can't imagine what they're going through right now, it's just awful and yes, we are a country of great means. They deserve more support than they are getting in this desperate hour. On a lighter note, the house is coming along! Yay!

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...