Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, March 15, 2024

Information Friday

Tim and I had a great time visiting our daughter Emma and her family. This birthday crown has seen a lot of heads this past week, but I had to try it on at the request of a wee grand girl!

We came back on Tuesday and jumped right back into life here at the cottage.

There is so much news happening that one can hardly keep up with it all. I've gathered some items that I think will interest you.

The truth is finally coming out about the corrupt J6 committee. They hid testimonies that exonerated Trump, and hid information that proved they were lying. Let's see what happens. At this point at least people are able to see the truth. It's up to them if they are going to be brave enough to realize they've been lied to for years.

This driver is a Secret Service agent who was willing to testify right away that Trump never tried to get control of the Beast nor did he attack an agent. However the committee, kept that information from the public because that wasn't the narrative they were wanting to tell.

It really was about diverting attention away from Trump's claims of election fraud, and destroying Trump. They are terrified of him becoming president again because he knows all their crimes.

What a disgrace to see the supposed leader of our country hopped up on drugs to try to get him through the State of The Union.

He's a disaster.

They can say that the economy is doing great and they've created jobs etc, but its just not the truth.

More truths coming out. Some of these things I have been sharing for years now!

They always say "We're not the criminals, Trump's the criminal!" But it comes out eventually. Blood Money. These people don't care about you.

Take the border crisis. It's never been about migrants wanting a better life. It's about changing the demographic of voters in our nation. They don't care that our daughters have been harmed, or our elderly killed, or that their is so much fentanyl coming over the border.

People don't like Trump's abrasiveness or his unkind words. I don't always either. However, I've never had to go through what he's been going through. 

Have a great weekend friends!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do find it uncomfortable that #45 sings the praises of dictators about how smart and wonderful they are. Dictators. Things go on behind closed doors and phone calls take place with these dictators. This shouldn't be overlooked nor should the information he leaked against our national security. I don't care for all of his tacky name calling he constantly does or the put downs toward well decorated military officers. Mimicking people with physical challenges when he is behind the podium is cruel and unnecessary behavior. His crude behavior toward women before he was elected shouldn't be forgotten, but apparently is. The question to the American people are you better off than you were four years ago with the Trump Administration? If you recall we were in the bowels of the c o v I d epidemic where Trump kept precious information away from the americium citizens and we suffered. For someone who says he is for the American people I disagree and I am a republican. For the Republican Party to have him as a candidate is degrading and now his daughter in law is co-chairing the RNC? Nepotism. If you've ever studied the habits and practices of Hitler, #45 is copying Hitler. Can you not see it? People did not see the dangers of what Hitler would do. How can you ignore #45's lying? Fact check his comments. It will take a great deal of time because he frequently gives false misinformation.

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