Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Welcome Spring


Ah Spring!

I've been enjoying glimpses of you - trees in bloom, forsythia bursting everywhere, daffodils in the garden.

It's chilly today, with grey skies, but spring is here!

This weekend was a hard one emotionally for me. Kyle is doing very well, gaining more use of his hand and fingers. He doesn't have to have it braced in the house anymore, and that has lead to stark reality. God is good, and is a continual comfort to me. 

I think I need a trip to the garden center!


Linda said...

Praise God for his blessings! So happy Kyle is recovering...that was scary!

Cheryl said...

Today is not so springlike here, but we have also enjoyed some lovely springy days!

I can imagine how difficult it is for you to be confronted visually with Kyle's accident. As moms, we'd rather take our kids' burdens on ourselves, so it really does become our burden. It is probably every bit as hard on you as it is on Kyle, and maybe more so. I continue to believe, and I know that you do too, that God will use all of this for good . . . but that doesn't make it easy. I continue to pray for you!

Kim said...

It's great to hear that Kyle is recovering. I know it must not be easy for him to adjust or for you to watch the process. Those tea cups and your daisies are beautiful and must make you smile.

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