Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, March 22, 2024

Information Friday


I did go to the garden center the other day, and found these lovely English Daisies (bella tasso) in dark and light pink. If you look closely you will see the morning light pouring through the window by our stairs. The flowers in the first photo are on that side of the pot. They need another drink of water today, and I hope that they will love their spot in my living room!

An NPC is someone who lacks independent thought and blindly follows trends or what others say.

The media tried hard, once again, to edit what Trump said. It didn't work this time, except there will always be people who really do believe the msm and the dems.

This is what we are up against. The government would like to control everything word definitions, who can give out information, whether you are allowed to say something that doesn't go along with the government narrative.

It's truly scary out here friends.

A woman in Queen's was arrested for kicking squatters out of the million dollar home she'd inherited and was selling. Squatters have more rights than home owners. Don't think this couldn't happen to you.

We are living through a horrible period in history. They are trying to destroy our Constitution.

The UK doesn't have a written constitution.

You can read more about this {here}. They couch it in terms so it sounds like its a good thing, but what it would mean is that they could come to my home and property and say that we have no right to have this land just for our own use and take it and put apartment buildings on it.

Here is the Bee for a bit of humor.

When your government practices lawfare. When they twist the law and charge people with crimes that weren't committed, when they put peaceful people in prison who's only 'crime' was walking into the capitol building or even being outside. We are in danger of just having our way of life stolen from us.

We've all forgotten that government works for us. They tax us so much and just decide they need more money to spend so they tax us again! It doesn't work.

We need to get back to the government of the Constitution.

I have hope because there are people fighting for this. They are allowing their own reputations to be destroyed in order to save our nation.  

Pray for these people, and speak out. Share with your family and friends - tell them the truth of what's happening.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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