Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, August 30, 2024

Information Friday


Hi Friends! Our living room/dining room space is coming together! I still have art to hang in the living room, but I'm taking my time to figure out what I want hung and where. I bought a new side table off Marketplace yesterday. I'll get a photo and show you Monday. I think I'm going to use it next to my bed.

Today I'm picking up our dear friends, Rick and Jane, from Baltimore and they'll be here for the weekend! They flew in the other day for a memorial service for a cousin's spouse and that made it easy to come to us for the weekend! We are all so excited!

So much has happened this weekend that I know I will miss something, but here goes!

His family publicly 'disowned' him, and Tammy Bruce wrote this perfect response.

Tulsi Gabbard also joined Trump to fight against a Harris/Walz (whoever they may run, as they are just puppets for the deepstate) administration.

Yesterday she and Trump did a Town Hall in Wisconsin.

Trump spoke off the cuff in response to audience questions for over 30 minutes.

CNN couldn't come up with more than 18 minutes of video from a recorded interview with Harris and Walz. They are not releasing a transcript of the interview either. Very weird.

This was the first interview Kamala has done since being crowned after the disastrous debate between DJT and Biden.

Maybe they won't let her talk because they just want more of this anyway.


I'm hoping what we are seeing is a new party emerging - a unity party that is actually of the people, by the people, for the people. 

We don't all agree on everything, but we agree on the Constitution and not being a communist state. I can stand with Trump, Vance, RFK jr, Gabbard and more for the pro Constitution, pro 1st amendment, pro 2nd amendment, pro freedom from taxation slavery, no wars. Trump said in Michigan yesterday that people deserve to own a home, car, raise a family on one income! That hasn't been a thing since what? The 60's?

The fact that Harris/Walz wants to tax your unseen capitol gains, means they have spent us into oblivion and want more!

The deep state is so worried that they've started to attack Trump's visit with the gold star families and their private event at Arlington this week.

They won't let RFK jr off the ballots in swing states, even though they were suing him to have him removed from ballots last week!

They write the most salacious stories about him. He put out a funny video about one of them.

This is what I am voting for. Bobby's uncle said it well - 

Those who would rule us don't want a people that are determined to rule them! So they are afraid of the awakened people.

One thing I am pondering is how to ask more questions on these posts to get people thinking.

The Socratic method is the most effective for people to change their minds about things. I have been feeding you all facts and truths, but those who can't see it won't awaken by being shown more facts and truths. 

These are good questions to ask when talking with people but also for people to ask themselves when they hear information.

Have a great weekend everyone. Continue to pray for our nation, it's leaders (they all need the Lord!), and for the world.

I may not post on Monday, as our friends leave that day. So it may be Tuesday before I post again!

Monday, August 26, 2024


 Here we are in the last week of summer. I go by the meteorological seasons, so September, October, November are autumn, and that means we are almost to autumn. 

I used to hate summer, the heat, the bugs, the humidity but over the years I've learned to savor each season. The summer is full of time in the pool, a flowering garden, sweet corn, peaches, and watermelon. Fresh tomatoes! Blue skies, white puffy clouds, and sitting out at night under the stars.

I'm an autumn souled person, and so I feel as if I am coming into the season where I feel I am at my best. This cottage has an autumn soul, too. It shows off this time of year!

As I get my living room put back together, I'm thinking of how it can be the coziest for the autumn and winter seasons. It's almost time to get the throw blankets out!

This weekend we got our new interior door knobs put on the doors.

 After 23 years with the ones we got at a construction auction, I am so pleased! And yes, doors and jams need some work, but all in good time. These things are great winter work. 
We had our annual baptismal service at one of our church members' properties. They have a spring feed pond. We had a meal after the service.

I don't go down to the pond because the hill is steep and it hard on my back. So I sat in the shade, and waited. The testimonies are given during the service, so when they are at the pond, it's just the profession of faith, the declaration of baptizing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and the going under the water! I'm always so moved to hear about how God pursues people and they are in such need of Him, as we all are!

Here is a photo of the empty chairs of everyone down at the pond.

Because we are on a hilly property it's hard to show you a big group photo. We had a meal afterward.  I got to hold babies, talk with friends, and later we headed home and took naps, and then watched a movie in the evening, 

It was a good, good day. 

On Saturday, Tim and I took our niece and her husband Emmanuel and their sweet baby Joy (our great niece) to lunch. Emma's Maman died this past week in Burkina Faso, and he is leaving to go to be with his family for a month. It is customary for people to visit those who've lost loved ones, so we went to condole with them, and treated them to a meal. We are thankful that his Maman knew the Lord as her savior, and that she is with him.

I'm so thankful that the family of God is so big and wide and full of people from every Tribe, Tongue and Nation!

I hope your weekend was good as well!

Friday, August 23, 2024

Information Friday


We've had gorgeous weather this week. The ac has been off, windows have been open, and the sky has been beautiful! My favorite season is almost here.

This weeks' information was a lot of news coming out of the DNC. Now, they didn't really talk about their platform, because it's not popular with the American people, and though they acted like they haven't been the ones in charge for the last 4 years, and the last 12 out of 16 years, it was all Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump.

From Dan Scavino on X


The Obama's have three homes. Most of these people have more than one, and I'm not saying they shouldn't have them. But when they are trying to make Trump 'bad' because he is a billionaire, and Vance 'out of touch' because he went to Yale Law School is a joke. The Dem party is wealthier than ever.

They also revised the jobs report for the last year and say that a reported 818,000 (let that number sink in) jobs created were never real. It was a lie and they hoped you'd never hear about that! 

Fake news lying once again.

Big event on Today! Will Robert F. Kennedy Jr. endorse Trump? Will he take a position in a Trump administration? 

I do believe he will announce he is dropping out of the race for president. The DNC is suing to get him off every state ballot. Why are they interfering with the choices that Americans have to choose their president? We know why! They've treated him horribly, as they have other party candidates. Just ask Jill Stein.

These people we see on the left are mostly puppets. They are controlled by people more powerful but who like to stay in the shadows. These people are very unhappy that their plan to bring America to her knees is failing due to Americans waking up!

They have been working their plan while we were sleeping though. This video is kind of scary. I believe that the deep state will call on out all the military aged males they've brought into our country and try to get a war going here. Pray. 

This is why they are so angry.

They lost their affirmative action They’re quickly losing corporate DEI They lost Roe v. Wade They lost Chevron They’re losing their 2A infringements They’re losing their censorship control of social media They’re losing full control of media narratives They’ve lost support for endless foreign wars They’ve lost our blind trust in Big Pharma products and scientific institutions They’ve lost out blind trust of the FBI, DOJ, and Soros prosecutors They’re losing the ability to freely groom children and put porn in schools And soon they will lose their ability to rig our elections This is why they indicted Trump 4x and impeached him twice This is why he was almost shot in the head They may be in power now, but that grip on power gets looser by the day Soon we will fully take control and destroy this marxist cancer infecting our government Soon, We the People will be in charge

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...