Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, August 2, 2024

Information Friday


It's free stone peach season in Pennsylvania! These beauties are Red Haven peaches. I cut up a half bushel, froze several gallons, we ate a bunch, and I am making a fresh peach pie this weekend! Yum!

This week the left talking point was that JD Vance was "weird."

Remember this is what liberal women wear to marches.

The indoctrination of America's youth has been successful. Thankfully, not all are brainwashed. If they think communism is great, they can go live in a communist country, such as Venezuela, or Cuba. They'd be happy to have them.

This is new video from the camera of one of the men who was shot at the Trump rally in Butler, PA. You can clearly see the shooter making his way across the roof. Earlier in the week, the Acting Director of Secret Service tried to say that the snipers could hardly see the guy.

Someone sent this to Trump on Truth Social.

DJT had a huge rally in Harrisburg the other night.

Biden has no public events at all but did put out a plan to change the Supreme Court.

Jan6 stuff still is dribbling out. 

I still think they'll replace Kamala.

I'm only watching highlights of gymnastics at this point but this is one of the great stories of the games that get missed in all the garbage.

Have a great weekend!


Donna said...

I just can't watch any of it...maybe ice skating if it's there?...

Anonymous said...

Deanna, Charlie Kirk has misled the public as Harris advocated for enhanced child tax credit in affect in 2021 under pandemic relief law- a law signed by President Joe Biden after it was passed by Congress with only Democratic support. Everything that is said from our politicians HAS TO BE FACT CHECKED as they speak lies and misrepresent the truth. When I began to fact check President Trump's statements I was stunned at how much lying he does. Stunned. The Lord opened my eyes to the deception that is promoted so the people are deceived. Deanna, please do check ALL of Pres. Trump's statements. A lying spirit has been sent to deceive even the elect.

Vance would go on to work for Peter Thiel at his venture capital firm in Silicon Valley. More than a decade after they met, Thiel would help Vance win a seat in the U.S. Senate with $15 million to support his campaign, which launched Vance to his selection Monday as former President Donald Trump's running mate. Billionaire Peter Thiel is Vance's sugar daddy.

Anonymous said...

Donna, I believe that Deanna is a big girl and can handle the truth. I voted for Trump back in the day before I knew what he bragged about in the bus and was recorded bragging about grabbing women. I'm very proud to be an American and definitely am not a communist. Very small brain of you to say I am. You don't know the first thing about me. Please check out Project 2025 if you're concerned about America. Trump says that he knows nothing about it in 2024, but in 2022 he definitely spoke about the Heritage Foundation and knows who's involved with the Project. Trump does lie a great deal and if you do more homework about him you'd know this. He is of his father the devil. A liar always is. So many trumpettes are super sensitive about Trump completely ignoring the God honest truth about him. I do check my facts. The more I know about the presidential candidates I believe they are selected, not elected. God bless you, Donna and all the best. No need to slam me as I am a sister in Christ. Come let us reason has flown out the window and I am not lecturing Deanna. I share what I want and if you have issues with it, so be it. Deanna goes to a great deal of work posting her Information posts. If there is a falsehood, we are to expose it according to the Bible. Shine the light on the darkness.

Anonymous said...

Donna, I forgot to say, that my family escaped communism many years ago and I'm so glad they did come to America legally as immigrants. America, the land I love. I do not support communism. I remain anonymous because I am well known and it's easier and safer to remain so. Not ashamed or embarrassed. Cautious, yes because of where I live and who I know in the government. I do believe that President Trump will retaliate if he becomes President again. No one will be safe. I also believe he is serious when he says he would be a dictator day one, but he has plans to be a dictator period. It's in the works. Dictators take guns away from your everyday citizens. He is a fan of Putin and will follow Putin's techniques he used in taking over Russia. Trump admires dictators, or haven't you noticed? As for the lies he has made, it is too numerous to write them all down. He didn't finish the wall during his first term and I don't believe he would if President again. I had a hard time believing Bill Cosby was a rapist, but he was. So many do not believe that Trump is a rapist either. Nor do they believe he committed adultery when married to all three of his wives. Nor do they believe he paid women to get abortions. Nor do they believe he did anything wrong with Trump University, but he did. When someone goes bankrupt umpteen times, they leave others holding the bag. God tells us in his word that those who do not pay their bills are wicked. Trump is wicked. He'd hire small companies to do the work on his buildings then complain that they didn't do the work correctly refusing to pay them causing the contractors to go bankrupt. This is wicked as he knew they would go broke. His golf course in Scotland caused the residences that had lived in the area for decades to not have water because he built over their ground where the streams were causing them to have no water. Don Junior called these Scottish people, THE LITTLE PEOPLE. Trump has the gift of gab and people love this trait. As for Ivana, Trump's first wife, she let it be known that her husband raped her and pulled chunks of hair out of her scalp. Raped her. Mister wonderful is wicked. He calls social security, medicaid and medicare entitlements and will do away with them along with taking half of our veterans benefits. Still you will not believe he will do such a thing? He has called our wounded soldiers losers. Losers. Don't believe me? I believe a better man could have been picked as our republican candidate for President. I have never paid $13.oo for 12 eggs, not even 24 eggs. Where did you get ripped off paying $13? What's wrong with me, you asked and where's my vision? I am a born again Christian who happens to believe we are to be of good character and have a good name. One that believes character matters, because it does. Trump is a wolf in sheep's clothing and you cannot see it. Because I share some flaws about our #45 doesn't mean I hate him. Deanna, I find your Information Fridays well done. I just don't agree with all of the info. Occasionally, I will say something. As for this being Trump country, that's fine, but I think I'll hang around awhile even if I don't agree 100% with Trump. Do we now have to believe everything he says in order to be an American or can we ask questions and shine a light on lies? Do Republicans in Trump country have to remain quiet if something is a lie? We're headed for a dictatorship if we cannot express our opinions. I suppose some people want a dictatorship. I hope you continue sharing on Information Fridays. These are great post.

Deanna Rabe said...


I thank you for your kind words about the posts. We do disagree about Trump, but I want you to know that I ask God for discernment, I don’t blindly follow.
As believers we know that there is no perfect person. We all have a past. I’m not excusing anything, just pointing out a fact. I do not believe the E Jean Carrol story. She had a billionaire paying her fees to bring the second lawsuit against him. There were a lot of issues, with the law being changed, the judge, the way the jury was selected.

The left are afraid of him because they’ve been criminals and are trying to put these things onto DJT to say “ No it’s not us, it’s him!” They’ve had control for way too many years. Uniparty presidents.

People finally see the truth and want change.

I hope you will continue to come to my blog and read. We all should be praying. God will lead us and help us see the truth.

Information Friday

  A week ago on Thursday, we celebrated my granddaughter Kennedy's birthday, and the next morning we were on the road to go visit my dau...