Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, August 9, 2024

Information Friday


I think I say this nearly every week lately, but there is so much going on! I just don't see how people can hide their heads in the msm feed and think that is the truth!

Rachel from Here Are The Headlines had these things to say.

They still haven't said anything.

The FBI just let us know though, that they arrested a guy a few days before Trump's assassination attempt who was in the country from Pakistan. Now we find out he was given special permission to enter the US even though he was on a terror watch list!

If you aren't seeing that this was not incompetence but purposeful to allow Trump to be killed, I'm not sure there is any hope of you waking from your brainwashing.

If you believe the msm then you believe this, too!

Kamala picked her VP choice this week, and he's a humdinger!

JD did a press conference this week. Took questions for about 20 minutes, and spoke "off the cuff." Trump is so good at this, too! Sadly the video is too large to post here!

I feel this, too!

Election fraud is back in the news. A gentleman from Georgia this week said the state owned Trump an apology!

This video was done to convince people the 2020 election was safe. Now we know it wasn't - just as many, including Trump said. 

There is not a day that I read news from around the world that I am not grateful to be a citizen of the United States and it's wonderful Constitution.

The UK has gone full on communist. 

We must continue to pray for our nation and the world!

An acquaintance posted this on FB this week.


Anonymous said...

I'll certainly pray for you! We in Minnesota LOVE Walz and can't wait for him to be the next Vice President of the USA! He cares for kids, makes sure they are fed, ensures equality for everyone, and has done great things for our state. AND he served his country honorably for 24 years before retiring to continue serving as a congressman, then governor. Can't wait for the ABC debates :-)

Anonymous said...

We, too, live in Minnesota and the above comment is rubbish. He's being exposed now for the man he really is, so please don't praise him. If you care anything for our state and country, you would be wise to re-think your vote. A cackling president who doesn't know anything and a lying vice president would be an absolute embarrassment. Seriously.

Donna said...

My head is still spinning!

Anonymous said...

Exposed for who he is, a kind, decent caring man who served his community, state and country and genuinely wants to spread joy through this campaign. Rather have him than someone who tries to to claim the country is being run by childless cat people. Plus, when he and Harris win, we'll get a phenomenal governor who will be the first Indigenous governor in the country!

Anonymous said...

You're right that a cackling president who doesn't know anything and a lying vice president would be an embarrassment. That's why it's imperative Vice President Harris and Governor Walz make it to the White House!!!!

Anonymous said...

Deanna, you have quite a few anonymous besides me the one who's family ran from communism that Donna commented on. These are not me.

Anonymous said...

Donna, These are not me that you asked what was wrong with me in previous posts. I'm the one whose family ran from communism. You had commented that if I agreed with Harris that I must be a communist also. Deanna seems to have quite a few anonymous.

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  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...