Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, August 26, 2024


 Here we are in the last week of summer. I go by the meteorological seasons, so September, October, November are autumn, and that means we are almost to autumn. 

I used to hate summer, the heat, the bugs, the humidity but over the years I've learned to savor each season. The summer is full of time in the pool, a flowering garden, sweet corn, peaches, and watermelon. Fresh tomatoes! Blue skies, white puffy clouds, and sitting out at night under the stars.

I'm an autumn souled person, and so I feel as if I am coming into the season where I feel I am at my best. This cottage has an autumn soul, too. It shows off this time of year!

As I get my living room put back together, I'm thinking of how it can be the coziest for the autumn and winter seasons. It's almost time to get the throw blankets out!

This weekend we got our new interior door knobs put on the doors.

 After 23 years with the ones we got at a construction auction, I am so pleased! And yes, doors and jams need some work, but all in good time. These things are great winter work. 
We had our annual baptismal service at one of our church members' properties. They have a spring feed pond. We had a meal after the service.

I don't go down to the pond because the hill is steep and it hard on my back. So I sat in the shade, and waited. The testimonies are given during the service, so when they are at the pond, it's just the profession of faith, the declaration of baptizing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and the going under the water! I'm always so moved to hear about how God pursues people and they are in such need of Him, as we all are!

Here is a photo of the empty chairs of everyone down at the pond.

Because we are on a hilly property it's hard to show you a big group photo. We had a meal afterward.  I got to hold babies, talk with friends, and later we headed home and took naps, and then watched a movie in the evening, 

It was a good, good day. 

On Saturday, Tim and I took our niece and her husband Emmanuel and their sweet baby Joy (our great niece) to lunch. Emma's Maman died this past week in Burkina Faso, and he is leaving to go to be with his family for a month. It is customary for people to visit those who've lost loved ones, so we went to condole with them, and treated them to a meal. We are thankful that his Maman knew the Lord as her savior, and that she is with him.

I'm so thankful that the family of God is so big and wide and full of people from every Tribe, Tongue and Nation!

I hope your weekend was good as well!


Sue said...

Fall is my favorite season too, I am like you it starts on September 1. I am always so blessed at baptisms seeing folks make life changing decisions that will last for eternity with our Lord!
Condolences to the loss of this precious Mother, but how comforting too know that the separation is only for a short time!
I really like the doorknobs you have chosen.

Cheryl said...

Baptisms are beautiful . . . so meaningful! I know it was a special time for your church family!

It is good that you were able to visit your niece and family before her husband leaves for a time. I am sure that it meant a lot to them.

Of course, this is more temporal, but because we are both house people I'll say that I love your new doorknobs. I "get" what you're saying about waiting for winter to do some projects. There are always projects to be done (and always will be), so it's wise to be content with what is done and take time and attention for the more important things.

Donna said...

As a youngster, I loved Summer...Now that I'm in my...Crone years, Lol...I like Fall, much better!
Sorry about the loss of his sad. Glad you were there for her.

Kim said...

My house is an autumn home, too. For some reason, even though it's at the beach, it's just more comfortable in the cooler months.

Theresa said...

What a beautiful day for a baptism! I have been missing but trying to catch up on all of my blog friends! Have a blessed day, HUGS!

Home Keeping

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