Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Autumn Weekend

 I potted up some mums last week. 

It felt good to clear the pots of summer annuals and put the mums in the garden. Two of these are on the deck and the rest are in the front garden.

Autumn to me is a time of clearing away and preparing for what's to come. It's always a cozy and reflective time. 

Since last autumn, my dad had been in the hospital for a month, the addition was finished, Christmas and New Years came. At the end of January Kyle had his accident. There were a few things with my mom's health that all turned out to be just fine, but were concerning for a time. Tim's business has been so busy, which is a very good thing. I'm homeschooling the grands, still. Dad had surgery recently for a heart valve replacement.

It's been a lot to walk through and I am thankful for our cozy haven, and of course, the Lord who has sheltered us all in his loving arms.

I wanted to show you some photos of our burning bushes, as they have started to change color but the trees are still very green.

This is actually two burning bushes. They used to be at the end of our chicken run, but now my parents windows look out on them!

After we host our fall fest next Sunday, we will be seeding this area with fall grass seed.

It was a beautiful autumn day, very relaxing for me. Tim did a repair on Sarah's car, but is so pleased to have been able to do it.

This smaller burning bush is lovely, too.

We are praying for all the suffering and heartache of Helene, while praying about the new one on the way to Florida. 

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.


Cheryl said...

Your year was certainly full . . . highs and lows! Isn't it a good thing we don't know what is coming? So very thankful that the Lord is our shelter! I have been meditating on this verse this morning: "The name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous run into it and are safe." Proverbs 18:10

I love the burning bush! Your parents must enjoy that view this time of year. Also love your mums. Mums speak "autumn," don't they?

Joining with you in praying for those who are devastated by Hurrican Helene! said...

Yes, your Burning bushes are so lovely, we have 4 of them in our own yard also.
It's nice when the Dr. visits are at a stand still for awhile. My husband just mentioned to me this morning, "this is the first week in 6 months that no one has had a Dr. visit"!
Praise God.

Kim said...

Those mums are beautiful, so colorful!! It sounds like busy year full of ups and downs for you. We had..and are having...that same kind of year. Like you, I'm trying to appreciate each day's blessings no matter how big or small along the way.

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