Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, October 28, 2024

Late October Weekend

 I had a quiet weekend at home, and I enjoyed it. 

I cut some of my limelight hydrangea, now with their autumn blush on them and took them to my friend Britt. They've recently bought a house and are doing projects to make it more their own style. It's lovely. Yesterday, she shared a table they bought on Marketplace, and styled it with some of the hydrangea. Here are a few photos.

Tim mowed some properties he takes care of, I read, knitted, and cooked food. Saturday evening Tim, Wes, and Kyle brought our freezers up to the garage from the basement. 

Yesterday, after church and lunch, Tim and Wes went out to buy the tool chest Tim has been waiting for the garage to be finished before purchasing. We are all so happy about this project being finished. I'll try to get a few photos today, and share them soon.

My burning bush are amazing.

There is so much excitement and yet, desperation on the dems part, surrounding the election. 

I watched the Trump rally yesterday while I knitted, and it was all positive. Everyone who spoke talked of making our lives healthier, freer, and making our nation great once again.

All the left could do was talk about it being like a n*zi rally. This was not true at all. 

Jessica from House Inhabit shared these things last night on Instagram.

Did you know that in 1992 Bill Clinton accepted the Dem nomination for President at Madison Square Gardens? That Ronald Reagan, John F. Kennedy, and others have held political rallies there? Billy Graham has held evangelistic crusades there. Were they are n*zi events?

This is dangerous talk. It gets the crazies out who may try another assassination. 

I actually think they know they've lost, but will try stuff after the election to keep from being able to serve. Keep praying.



My Shasta Home said...

I hope people are waking up to the lies the Democrats keep spewing. It’s getting old and I know at least one democrat who isn’t voting for Harris and that’s because her eyes were opened to the hate from her own party and she said, “ it doesn’t feel right.” I pray there are others who feel the same.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable crowd in New York, it was also extremely crowded outside. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Trump wins some blue states that haven't been flipped since Reagan. There's not much joy left in the Kamala camp, the whole mood and demeanor has changed, seems like they know what's coming.

Shug said...

sounds like a great weekend.. I have always thought that the dried hydrangeas make for beautiful arrangements. WOW on that red bush!! Quite Stunning.. One of our news channels is so biased on the election...I am sick of hearing them and just had to turn the tv to a different channel. I am praying!! Hope your week is filled with encourging words.

Anonymous said...

How lovely your trees are! #HarrisWalz2024!

Kim said...

Wow! Those hydrangeas are gorgeous and her house is stunning. So warm and charming!

Donna said...

LOVE the Burning Bush!!

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