Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, November 29, 2024

Information Friday


We had two tables yesterday and 15 people for our Thanksgiving meal yesterday. Afterward, games were played, naps were taken, Auntie Rachel did a craft with the little girls. Then after dark we went out for our annual Christmas Lights trip to the Herr Snack Factory in Nottingham! 

They do a wonderful free light display on their property. We go every year.

I trust that your day was filled with good things, too.

Now to the information!

The governor of Texas and the soon to be Border Czar Tom Holman were actually at the border yesterday serving Thanksgiving dinner to the Border Patrol! That's the way to lead!

More appointees and nominees.

Not everyone is excited about all of his choices, and that is fair and okay to question.

Trump's choice for Surgeon General Dr. Jeannette Nesheiwat was not great on letting people decide for themselves about the covid jab, and was very outspoken about that. Not sure whether she just saw what was happening but she did change her mind at some point. Here is an interview with Tucker.

Keep praying for safety for everyone surrounding Trump and his appointees.

Remember the deep state will not stop fighting.

And we have Biden letting Ukraine fire long range missiles into Russia. Russia knows what's up though. Both Putin and Lavrov have spoken about what Biden is doing. They know he's trying to make it hard for Trump.


I'm off to eat a turkey sandwich and start my Christmas decor! Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Late November

 I can't believe it's been a week since we got back from our long weekend trip to Missouri for our niece's wedding.

Here are some photos.

I love how old abandoned buildings are finding new life as event spaces! This one was very nice.

They love each other very much and it's a beautiful things to see.

I feel as if I hardly slowed down last week. The morning after we got home, I had and early appointment with my naturopath. Then I had the girls for school and our last day of co-op for this semester. We had small group on Wednesday, and I designed the table decor for our church's annual Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday. We decorated the tables yesterday after church, then rather than going to the dinner, Tim and Wes ended up having to drive a few hours to pick up Rachel and haul their car home! Monday I had the girls, which I don't normally do, but Nate wanted to work because he's off on Thursday. 

Tim and I went to dinner with friends to celebrate our friend Denny's birthday!

Can things slow down now?!!!

I'm not really complaining. I'm happy to be able to be involved with people and our family. It's what life is all about. 

I have my turkey thawing for Wednesday night when I will put it in the oven to slow roast overnight! {Here}is the link to Perfect Every Time Turkey. I got this slow roasted method from Emilie Barnes. She mentored me through her books. She was a kindred spirit!

I need to think through what I want to do to decorate the tables. We use two! I have a few ideas perking, and I think they will be nice!

We usually eat around 2:00pm. I'm trying to think of things to occupy little girls who likely will need to stay indoors due to cold weather! 

I'm thinking maybe a movie, and maybe some art. Games for the adults, definitely.

I can hardly wait for Friday! Time for decorating for Christmas!

I read this on Instagram on Monday and thought it was so good.

God does rejoice over us with singing and he made us for his purposes and his glory! What a wonderful thing!

Friday, November 22, 2024

Information Friday


We had a wonderful wedding weekend in Missouri! We drove, leaving Friday morning and came back on Monday! It was long, but it was worth it! 

This week was a busy one, too! School with the grands, our last co-op day for this semester, Tim's other sister and brother in law came from upstate New York (bil had been hunting on the old family farm) and stayed over night. We had a big family dinner with lots of our kids and grands so Esther and Richard could see them all and catch up! 

That was last night and now here we are.

I hadn't intended this post to be about Matt Gaetz but it turned out to be and it is so interesting.

Some of what I'm going to share I heard when it was announced that the DOJ under Bill Barr was investigating. Gaetz was very vocal about supporting Trump and many, on both sides, didn't like it. My son in law sent me a thread from X today which, while long, lays out the whole story.

But first I'm going to share a few other things from Gaetz, Trump, and JD Vance.

Remember this?

Former President Donald Trump teased that he has "little secret" regarding the House of Representatives during his rally at New York's Madison Square Garden over the weekend.

Republicans hold the majority in the House after winning it by a slim margin in the 2022 midterm elections. Trump, the party's presidential candidate, was discussing getting Republicans elected to the House, as well as the Senate, at his rally on Sunday, when he spoke about his "little secret."

"We have so many [great congressman]...if I ever named them we're gonna be up here a long time," he said. "And they're gonna be angry, they won't speak to me for probably a month or so but it'll calm down after that, right Matt Gaetz? It'll calm down. It'll calm down. But we have great, great people. And they're really doing a job and we're gonna turn this country around.

Trump - MSG
Former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally at Madison Square Garden on October 27 in New York. The former president has teased that he has a "little secret." AP

"You know, with me, we've gotta get the congressmen elected and we've gotta get the senators elected because we can take the Senate pretty easily and I think without the little secret we're gonna do really well with the House right? Our little secret is having a big impact. He and I have a secret. We'll tell you what it is when the race is over."  source

Now, I don't know if that has anything to do with what has gone on with Matt Gaetz, but Trump is a master chess player, and it wouldn't surprise me if it did have something to do with this.

Here is what a few others think.

Here are statements from Trump, Gaetz, and Vance.

I listened to this podcast this week - it's excellent!

Now for the thread from X that I was sent this morning.

I've read a lot of this story before from other sources. It makes you despise the corrupt agencies, doesn't it?

Will we ever know the truth of why Gaetz dropped out? It seems purposeful. Was it part of a plan? Who knows. Can DeSantis put Matt Gaetz in Marco Rubio's old senate seat? He can. Will he? Time will tell.

Meanwhile, many cabinet positions haven't been filled yet but Trump almost immediately announced Gaetz's replacement.

"will do a terrific job as Attorney General."

Let's let them do their work, pray for the nominees, pray for all. We need great reform in this country! It's coming friends!

See you Monday!

PS - Bob Casey conceded in Pennsylvania! Dave McCormick is the new Senator!

They tried to cheat and got caught!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...