Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, November 22, 2024

Information Friday


We had a wonderful wedding weekend in Missouri! We drove, leaving Friday morning and came back on Monday! It was long, but it was worth it! 

This week was a busy one, too! School with the grands, our last co-op day for this semester, Tim's other sister and brother in law came from upstate New York (bil had been hunting on the old family farm) and stayed over night. We had a big family dinner with lots of our kids and grands so Esther and Richard could see them all and catch up! 

That was last night and now here we are.

I hadn't intended this post to be about Matt Gaetz but it turned out to be and it is so interesting.

Some of what I'm going to share I heard when it was announced that the DOJ under Bill Barr was investigating. Gaetz was very vocal about supporting Trump and many, on both sides, didn't like it. My son in law sent me a thread from X today which, while long, lays out the whole story.

But first I'm going to share a few other things from Gaetz, Trump, and JD Vance.

Remember this?

Former President Donald Trump teased that he has "little secret" regarding the House of Representatives during his rally at New York's Madison Square Garden over the weekend.

Republicans hold the majority in the House after winning it by a slim margin in the 2022 midterm elections. Trump, the party's presidential candidate, was discussing getting Republicans elected to the House, as well as the Senate, at his rally on Sunday, when he spoke about his "little secret."

"We have so many [great congressman]...if I ever named them we're gonna be up here a long time," he said. "And they're gonna be angry, they won't speak to me for probably a month or so but it'll calm down after that, right Matt Gaetz? It'll calm down. It'll calm down. But we have great, great people. And they're really doing a job and we're gonna turn this country around.

Trump - MSG
Former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally at Madison Square Garden on October 27 in New York. The former president has teased that he has a "little secret." AP

"You know, with me, we've gotta get the congressmen elected and we've gotta get the senators elected because we can take the Senate pretty easily and I think without the little secret we're gonna do really well with the House right? Our little secret is having a big impact. He and I have a secret. We'll tell you what it is when the race is over."  source

Now, I don't know if that has anything to do with what has gone on with Matt Gaetz, but Trump is a master chess player, and it wouldn't surprise me if it did have something to do with this.

Here is what a few others think.

Here are statements from Trump, Gaetz, and Vance.

I listened to this podcast this week - it's excellent!

Now for the thread from X that I was sent this morning.

I've read a lot of this story before from other sources. It makes you despise the corrupt agencies, doesn't it?

Will we ever know the truth of why Gaetz dropped out? It seems purposeful. Was it part of a plan? Who knows. Can DeSantis put Matt Gaetz in Marco Rubio's old senate seat? He can. Will he? Time will tell.

Meanwhile, many cabinet positions haven't been filled yet but Trump almost immediately announced Gaetz's replacement.

"will do a terrific job as Attorney General."

Let's let them do their work, pray for the nominees, pray for all. We need great reform in this country! It's coming friends!

See you Monday!

PS - Bob Casey conceded in Pennsylvania! Dave McCormick is the new Senator!

They tried to cheat and got caught!


Shug said...

Such a lovely bride and groom...I wish them a life full of many Blessings. Happy Saturday...enjoy!

ellen said...

Wow, what a story! No wonder they freaked out about his nomination. I think Pam Bondy was Trump's original choice and Gaetz's nomination was him sending the deep state a message. They have it all and nothing can stop what is coming! It's an exciting and frightening time to be alive. I trust God!

Donna said...

Oh, I bet the wedding was fun! And what an interesting take on M Gaetz!! I'll be back to read more thoroughly...

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