Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, November 4, 2024

One More Day

 I have this thing about injustice. That's how I ended up a Trump supporter in the first place.

In a just world Trump is about to blow the voting out of the water, but in a world where the deep state has the control over so many things, it is uncertain of what will happen.

Listen in and reading what they are saying, I think they realize they can't overcome the voting. However, they are going to try to disqualify him, and when they can't do that, I believe they will bring us into a war, or an attack on our nation.

The criminal activities of the deep state (people in both parties, not just democrats) have not been in the best interests of the American people. American's are worried about our rights being taken away from us.

We see the danger of an open border and all the harm it has caused, mostly at this point to the over 300,000 children who are missing and assumed in some sort of slavery. Imagine that. Imagine our own child or grandchild. My heart breaks for these children.

As a Christian, I know that a political candidate is not perfect. They like the rest of us have many flaws. However, I am going with the party that God is welcome in. I'm going with the party that I have seen God on the move in, I'm going with the party that wants to make the lives of my kids and grandkids better. 

I'm going with the party of PEACE! NO WARS! 

I'm going for the party that many democrats have joined because the party they had been a part of has moved so far left, they know longer can be a part of it!

I am voting for the party who is fighting to bring the power of the Constitution back to the people!

Those on the left have decided that we are all idiots and they know better what we need. That they can make better decisions than we can.

The founders didn't believe this, and Trump doesn't believe this.

He's put is very life on the line to try to save our nation with the people in charge of the Government not the other way around.

Prayerfully consider the power you have in the voting booth.

Do you want open borders?

Do you want men in women's spaces?

Do you want children taken away from parents, so they can have gender reassignment surgery while minors?

Do you want to own nothing and be "happy"?

Do you want to continue to live like a wage slave?

Trump, while being constantly attacked and lied about in the media, made our lives better in 3 years than they'd been in many, many years. It wasn't until covid came in that we started to have problems.

He's a proven man of peace, and of knowing how to bring prosperity to our nation.

I'm voting for Trump.


Anonymous said...

Bless your heart Deanna. I can't even imagine what kind of bizarre world you're living in where Trump has brought peace and prosperity to our nation. Have fun voting for the dementia-riddled candidate who threatens his political opponents and claims he can do anything to women and get away with it. As for me, I'll be voting for joy, hope and the promise of a better future for all Americans. #HarrisWalz2024

Shug said...

Great Post and there is so much at stake here. I just posted a story on my Facebook page...(TRUST THE LORD. Are you fearing the unknown and trying to prepare for every possible outcome. Pray-Vote-Trust God.) I have had a lot of anxiety over this election. Living in Texas, I personally see what the open borders are doing in our Country. It is BAD! I just Pray God help this Country.

Anonymous said...

Are you ready for Tuesday? Humpty Humpty the one man crime wave is going down. He will NEVER be in the people's house ever again. We will make sure of that on Tuesday. Kamala is going to make a wk derful President. He had his chance, he failed at that like he's failed at everything else.

Anonymous said...

Dementia boy doesn't have a chance in hell of winning. He can't even string a coherent sentence together much less run a country. You're delusional just like hi.

Deanna said...

I am very concerned about our country. Time will tell and we will watch how #47 runs the country. I'm concerned about medicare. I am concerned about the debt that will happen as economist share that Trump will create 7.7 TRILLION DOLLARS of debt. gulp. Elon Musk WARNS Americans to prepare for the temporary hardship we will have, but doesn't say what that is. Will there be interment camps? I think we have elected a Hitler. You just don't know it yet, but I think it has taken place. The German people were fooled and I think it has happened to the American people.

Deanna said...

I forgot about the tariffs. The American consumers will pay more for the things they buy as the added expense due to other countries having tariffs placed on their goods is passed onto the consumer. Ouch. It's gonna hurt the American people.

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