Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, November 8, 2024

Information Friday


This is the counties map. It's a thing of beauty!

I stayed up until after Trump spoke in the early morning hours of Wednesday. I was so grateful we didn't have a repeat of 2020. There was plenty of cheating in areas of my state, and other states, or at least there were attempts. But the RNC was on it with tons of lawyers etc. It really matters who runs the National Committees.

Today, Arizona and Nevada were finally called for Trump. He one all of the swing states. The news commentators were amazed that Harris didn't do better anywhere, than Biden had done. Democratic turn out was low. Trump won the popular vote and the Electoral College.

Republicans won back the Senate and look to be holding on to the house. Pennsylvania's Senate race was finally called today. We flipped Bob Casey right out of his seat!

Arizona's Senate race is still close, but I'm hoping Kari Lake wins!

Charlie Kirk posted this tonight.

Here is a list of the breakdown of how people voted. Trump did better with minorities than any other Republican has ever done.

The left has all sorts of reasons why Harris didn't win, but this is why she didn't win.

I saw many Democrats. and some Republicans, check out the chart below and begin to see that the Dem Party did indeed cheat in 2020.

They've been wondering where the 15 million extra votes went.

One of these things is not in the neighborhood of the others...

Shellenberger is speaking truth. This is a huge reason why Harris lost.

People want freedom, and good food, real education for their kids, and a chance to live their lives in peace. 

It's going to take work. We must continue to speak out and to pray.

World leaders have been speaking out.

Trump's win was so decisive that even Macron is eager to seem like he and Trump have always been buddies and didn't say rude things when JB became 46.

And tonight Trump announced that his Chief of Staff would be - 

I'm going to end with this from Kevin at KingKat2.0

Have a great weekend.


Donna said...

Thank you for posting this! We Won, Girlfriend!!! America Won!!!

Shug said...

I am so ready for the House to be complete....I mean...How long does it take.. ❤️🇺🇸❤️

Anonymous said...

What an amazing answer to prayer! In my mind’s eye, I’ve been skipping joyfully all week!
Now the harder part - KEEP ON PRAYING! God is at work.

Erin said...

Fabulous post ... love how you laid it all out. Now let's pass permanent tax cuts, add no tax on tips, and FINALLY pass a budget instead of those asinine continuing resolutions.

Sue said...

This post is the icing on the cake for me, thank you for informing us and sharing the truth! We too stayed up until after his acceptance speech, which was great! We also pray for protection for him, his family and all who will help in his administration!

Anonymous said...

God's hand was definitely in this election! He is on the move over my beloved country that I was so afraid was going to fall--if election fraud occurred again. This is a triumph of good over evil! I hope you continue to write your Information Friday posts (even now that Trump has won). I have been reading them for a long time, but I think this is the first time I've ever commented.

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