Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Christmas This And That


Hello Friends!

I hope you are all well. Christmas is only seven days away now! This season is flying by, as it always does. I have a few more gifts to purchase, then I'll be done with shopping!

I've been enjoying wrapping gifts (though no photos yet) in plaid paper or brown craft paper and adding pretty red or green or both ribbons! here are some old photos of wrapped gifts!

Can you tell I've like plaid/tartan for a long time?

This was a big weekend for us! Our 9th grandbaby was born! Our daughter Emma and her husband Vinnie have a added a precious son to their family. 

We are thankful for his arrival! There are a lot of birthdays, and anniversaries in December in my son in law's family, and this boy adds to it! So much celebrating!

Tim's birthday is Christmas Eve and we will be doing our usual lunch out with friends. It's a highlight of our year.

We are on a school break until after the new year, so I am enjoying that. I've been playing with making lunch bag snowflakes/stars. It's so much fun! Pinterest or YT have lots of instructions on how to do it!

I hope you are living in HOPE of what this season is all about. Without Jesus' coming, we would not have the resurrection and the freedom from sin and the hope of eternity with God!


Buttercup said...

A big welcome to your grandson. I'm still wrapping and mailing!

Hot Browns Across Kentucky said...

I love plaids as well, and have that same wrapping paper! I’ve been “pickling” it for years. And a huge congratulations on your new beautifully squishy grandbabe!

My Shasta Home said...

Congratulations on the newest member of your family! What a special gift!

Kim said...

A baby?!? Well that's the best Christmas present!! Congratulations to all and Merry Christmas!!

Home Keeping

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