Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, April 25, 2011


I am sitting on my bed, cross legged, which is my normal way to sit on my bed.  I have my computer propped on Tim's pillow and I am thinking of what it is I want to share with you.

Spring is here in full force, but instead of beautiful weather we have had a lot of rain and chilly weather.  We are due now for some days of 80 degree weather and more thunderstorms.  However to think about the beauties of Spring, the dogwood trees are blooming, our Cleveland pear is is flowering, the tulips are pretty, and my lilacs are just about ready to burst out with blooms.  The scent of lilacs is so lovely.  I adore cutting them and bringing them into the house.

I am going out this morning to ride my John Deere lawn tractor and mow our property.  It takes me about an hour and a half and I really enjoy it.  I put my headphones on and pick out things to listen to on my ipod.  It is such a great time to listen to sermons and other messages, to pray, to think through issues.  It is mostly uninterrupted time, which as we moms know is so rare.

I am in need of that time this morning.  We have been going through some challenging things.  In it all we have been seeking to honor the Lord in our responses to these challenges, but we are human and sometimes our flesh wants to lash out.  God has been so good to give us grace, and to teach us things about ourselves as well.  He is so good to use all things for our good.  Romans 8:28 - "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."  While painful at times, it has been so good to walk through it together and to grow together.  I have received sweet, encouraging notes from some of the ladies that I go to church with and they have been a tangible way of seeing God's love for me.  Such a blessing and an encouragement!  It is a good reminder of how God works through us to minister to others - a reminder to write those notes, send an email - whatever - to those we are prompted to send one too!  We can be God's hands of encouragement to others through doing this!

We had a beautiful weekend, starting Friday night with a family dinner at Tim's brother's house.  They are missionaries in Senegal, West Africa, and we don't often get the chance to spend time together.  It was a lot of fun, even though Lindsay and Emily had to miss it.  They work at a Christian theater and the whole week - because of Easter - was sold out, and they were needed.  Sunday was great with a short service of singing and prayer by the pond at a local park and then breakfast all together at church.  Later in the day, after an egg hunt in our yard, we went into Maryland to a dam and riverside park to look for bald eagles.  It was rainy then so we didn't see many but we did see one perched on a tree.  He gave us a great view of him, turning his head to profile so we could look at how majestic his is.  Beautiful birds.

Emily's graduation is coming up in a month.  This year has flown by!  She has a few more papers to write and then she is done! Our evaluations are scheduled for the day before graduation so then she will really be completely done! We only have a few more days of school left until we finish our required 180 days of school.  My younger girls will continue to work on math.  They don't love math, though they are doing well, and I am thinking that I may have them work on math over the summer and do some other learning as well.  This would give us opportunity to take other breaks during the school year.  We also want them to always have an attitude of learning and not just stick to an artificial time table of when it's time to study and learn.
Kyle is doing well with addition and with his reading.  He is my youngest reader.  He loves to learn and I want to keep that love alive!

Well, I am just going on endlessly. I have missed chatting here, but the break was so good for me.   In our lives we are not promised freedom from trials or pain, but we are promised that He will be with us, and will be working on our behalf.  What great love.



Becky K. said...

Wow, you ponder very well. I enjoyed reading about your day yesterday and know that God is with you in the hard times. Glad to know that you can see His hand and that you are receiving love and encouragement from the church family.

You are "ever so" loved.

Rebecca said...

It was good to hear about your recent activities, your educational philosophy (always a learner - not ONLY in artificial settings), and then your expression of trust in the Lord even in "hard" circumstances. It helps to know I am not a lone in MY "hard" circumstances. It also reminds me to communicate (verbally & other ways) to those I know to also be facing challenges....

My the Lord of ALL grace continue to supply, support, and bring you safely to the other side of your challenges in HIS time.

Becky said...

Yes, He is with us and we are so blessed. I whisper to the Lord that I don't want to do life without Him EVER.

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