Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, September 17, 2012

It's A Beautiful Morning

This video was taken a few days ago, but this is seriously what our days have been like.  Glorious September weather!

We don't always have such great weather in September, sometimes we are still cookin' in the upper 80's and 90's.  Our local fair is at the end of September and during the equine events on Friday we have gotten sunburn or used an umbrella until the sun set!

I've learned to look for blessings from the Lord and to point them out to the kids and to express thankfulness!  

We had a great day at church yesterday, we had a fellowship meal, a ladies book study, our pastor and another man launched rockets at the local high school, and we ended our day with a bonfire with another family and a few other friends.  It is such a gift to walk alongside other people as we walk with the Lord.  It is a joy to see my kids thriving in this fellowship of believers as well.  The simplest things make them happy - a game of ultimate frisbee, a game of Set, marshmallows set aflame!

It was my first fire of the season, even though we have had a few here already.  It was perfect weather and so clear out - perfect for roasting hotdogs and marshmallows! 

It's 9:30 right now and my kids are all still in bed.  Tim is at work, and only the dogs and I are up here at home.  On Monday's our shoppe is closed and so we take Mondays is easy to get all our schoolwork in.  Lindsay will have riding students today - this is their last week.  

Years ago, Tim and I determined that people would be more important to us than things.  We are passing that along to our kids, as well.  The fruit of that choice, is now coming to us in abundance!  I can't tell you how full my heart is - it is a joy to serve others, to encourage, to lift them up.

Happy Monday everyone!


Brenda said...

What a beautiful post. I love the video: the leaves moving with the breeze and the GREEN GRASS!! We just don't have much of that here in central Texas. I too love the quiet hours of the morning before the world is awake. Enjoy your slow Monday. Someday I hope we can share a cup of coffee.

sherry said...

a sweet life .. truly :o)
love you.

Emily Fay said...

It is the simple things in life that make life so blessed! It sounds like you are enjoying the lovliness of September and Fall! Have a blessed week ahead~

Cheryl said...

Your Sunday sounds does your Monday morning!

I had a quiet morning here too while Bekah slept in and school was put on hold. She had slept poorly the past few nights due to a yucky cold, so I knew that she needed the rest. I used the time to do some house-y things. ;)

Vee said...

What a great morning! The birds were chirping and the leaves were rustling...lovely. I like your and Tim's philosophy. So glad that you are reaping the rewards.

Alicia @ said...

I love your contentment! Sounds like great weather, we are starting to finally cool a bit here. Whew! Sounds like the perfect Monday- much like us, slow going and laid back :-) always nice!

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...