Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Taking Time To Nurture Relationships

I was going to title this post "I've Been Playing" but the one I used sounds a lot more 'spiritual' doesn't it? (grin)

I had been in a rut of being at the mercy of a schedule, not of my own making.  My days consisted of driving people to work and picking them up all at different times, usually the last pick up is between 9:45pm and 11:00pm.  In between I was squeezing in school work with the kids, and cooking and trying to keep the house clean.  Oh, and yeah, I run a business, too.  Can you say crazy exhausted?

So on Monday I just had to get out of the house!  We did school work and then Rachel, Emily and I went shopping with my Mom.  It was so much fun!

Tuesday, a friend from church and I took our kids on a field trip to a historical society.  It was small but nice with a special section on the Civil War, an area focused on art, rooms set up to show blanket chests, quilts, stitcheries from the past and a great collection of Grandfather clocks.  In the basement were transportation things: a trolley, sled, carriages, early cars...and around the corner was a room that was set up for hands on learning!  The kids loved it! 

 It was such a blessing to spend the afternoon with this dear friend and chat and encourage one another.  Many of the families in our church are an hour away from each other, which is why we spend all day on Sundays together.  But it is fun to get together one on one.

Then last night I had the chance to meet up with a friend for coffee and dessert! (I told you I was playing these days!)  It was such a blessing to slow down and talk...we spent four hours together and could have gone on!  

I am so thankful that the Lord heard my prayers for encouragement and a break from my often hectic schedule.  I am thankful for my husband who said "Yes, go.  I want you to!"  Tim, I love you! And I am thankful for the friends God has given me.  Precious women whose hearts desire to walk with God!

We need to take the time to nurture the friendships God gives us, whether they are with our children (what a blessing!) our parents (special) or with sisters in Christ.  Each one is of great value and worth.



Rebecca said...

Good for you! And I so agree that we simply MUST nurture the friendships God gives us. Schedules too full for friends & family are Just Plain Too Full.

Terra said...

How good you had a chance to play, outside of your busy schedule. The museum sounds like a fun place to visit; that sleigh looks beautiful. Your children will always remember that visit.

Vee said...

Tim is a peach. And, yes, you need to get out and have conversation with other women. That hands-on museum looks wonderful. The children looked as if they were really having a good time, which translates to learning.

Emily Fay said...

Sounds like you are having fun "playing!" I am glad you are enjoying the so many wonderful things! The field trip looks so wonderful! Have a glorious day!

PJ @ Planned in Pencil said...

I so miss that time of communion now that we are home, I have not had a chance to make those special friendships here and my spirit misses it!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a wonderful time....and yes, it is so important to do this! What a wonderful reminder!

Alicia @ said...

Absolutely! Getting out with a friend or your mom is such a good break for us busy moms! Relationships are so very important- Jesus was all about relationships. Great post!!!

Alicia @ said...

And I too so wish I could sit and have coffee with you ;-)

Cheryl said...

Yes, yes, yes! It is so easy to let the to-do list dictate our schedules...and of course, there are non-negotiables and responsibilities that we must fulfill. But it is always a good thing to put people first, as you said, whether those people are your husband, your children, your parents, or your brothers and sisters of His Kingdom.

I suppose the key is balance...and being open to opportunities and listening to the Lord's voice. Oh, I need to work on that. Thanks for the reminder!


Trish said...

You are so right - all relationships need nurturing!
Your day at the museum looks both interesting and relaxing.
I'm glad you got a break from your busy routine to go there :-)

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