Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Such Important Work

"Oh, Mothers of young children.  I bow before you in reverence.  

Your work is most holy.  You are fashioning the destinies of 

immortal souls.  The powers folded up in the little ones that you 

hushed to sleep in your bosoms last night, are powers that shall 

exist forever.  You are preparing them for their immortal destiny 

and influence.  Be faithful.  Take up your sacred burden 

reverently.  Be sure that your life is sweet and clean." J.R. Miller


Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

I, like you, am a big reader. I'm wondering how it is that I don't remember EVER having read the quote you used today. Such truth in those words (and as always the illustrations you use are lovely). Thanks. I enjoyed stopping by this morning!

Cheryl said...

Beautiful, challenging, and sobering words.

Anonymous said...

Amen! So, so true.....

Simple Home said...

What a wonderful quote! Young mothers should have it posted in their homes and read it everyday :)

Vee said...

Beautiful words...wise counsel.

Alicia @ said...

I love it. Amen!!

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