Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A Day With Kindred Spirits

I love these people.  Seriously.

When Cheryl told me they were headed to our area for a few days, we quickly scheduled a day together.  I called my girl who is an animal handler at Sight and Sound - she rides horses, leads a water buffalo, camel, donkey during different scenes of the show.  Sometimes she's an Egyptian soldier on horseback, sometimes a Hebrew slave, a Midian trader.  She loves it!

Anyway, she was able to get us tickets for yesterdays show and we met Cheryl and the family there.  We picked up just as we always do.  It was a so fun.  The show was great, Lindsay gave us a behind the scenes tour, we shopped at a favorite store of ours Fresh Vintage (I'll show you my great finds tomorrow).  Then home to Chicken Tortilla Soup and an evening of fun conversation.

Cheryl and I exchanged birthday gifts - she always gives great gifts.

There were two mugs in this delightful basket, but I'm using one already.  She pays attention to the little things, like my plaid obsession and my love of tea.  This basket has red towels, gourmet pepper corns, a specialty jelly, Snowflake tea (smells heavenly), tea lights that smell like baked goods and two plaid mugs.  Oh, and the basket is amazing and has a little chalkboard on the front!

I gave her an Autumn scarf and an earring and necklace set.

I fail as a blogger for today because I took no photos.  I plead the remnants of my cold, that's why I didn't take photos. (that's my story, anyway)  But never fear, Cheryl took photos, both behind the scenes and of us last night.  

Oh, and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree in the sweet gift giving department either.  Kati, ever thoughtful, saw this rubber stamp and told me that she thought I needed to have it! 

So cute!  I'm already thinking of ways to use it on everything!  

Thanks friends for sharing your time on your few days away, with us.

You are loved.


podso said...

You had a full day together! And now some sweet memories.

Lorrie said...

What a fun time together.

Dawn E. Brown said...

What fun.I always enjoy reading your blog. Simplicity and a sense of a real person .One who is content .Blessings to you Mrs. Rabe,Dawn E. Brown ps...Dear Hubby and I have been in love with Lancaster County since we married and honeymooned there 34 years ago.I am a tad jealous you get to enjoy it each day.smiles

Vee said...

That plaid mug has your name all over it! Cheryl nailed it.

Always fun to spend time with friends...

kathy said...

I love fresh vintage! I was there last week can't wait to see your finds.

Cheryl said...

Back at home tonight...and savoring the memories of the special time we had together!! We so appreciate your taking your time and opening your warm and beautiful home to us! Your family is precious!

I'll be sharing some of my pictures either late tonight or tomorrow. (It depends on how long I can hold my eyes open...) :)

Heather said...

Yeah! How exciting! It's always such a blessing to get together with a kindred spirit! It sounds like you had a fantastic time!

Estelle's said...

I so enjoyed reading this post today Deanna! How fun it must have been for both of you! The gifts were just darling and perfect for the season!

Theresa said...

Sweet time shared with a friend, nothing better:) LOVE the gift exchange and that rubber stamp is awesome! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Information Friday

  My youngest and I took a quick pick in the hallway tonight! He's a lot taller than me, so it is hard for us to get a good photo, thoug...