Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, October 6, 2014

A Friend To Share My Love of Autumn

Tomorrow I get to share my love of all things Autumn with a dear Kindred Spirit - Cheryl.

I am so excited!  The house is ready, but we need a few pumpkins to add to the festive spirit around here.  Oh, and some apple cider.  Our local produce stand makes their own and it is wonderful!  I am anticipating good food, good conversation, laughing, sharing, pumpkin desserts, joy!

Cheryl is bring some of her people along, too.  We sure do love this family.  Our friendship came by way of a series Cheryl did several years ago for the #write31days.  Her series was on {31 Days to Make a House a Home}.  I don't even remember how I found her blog that day, but it was meant to be.  I found myself agreeing with everything she said!  It was like I could have written those posts!  Of course, I commented on everything, and soon we were emailing, and then they came to Lancaster to visit and we invited them for dinner, and a show at Sight and Sound.  

I am thankful for how God has used Cheryl to encourage me, to teach me about grand mothering while still mothering, to be a friend and sister with.

She's doing another wonderful series called gather. {31 Days}.

I know many of you are already friends with Cheryl,  but for those who've never read her blog you'll love it.

Can't wait to see you, friend!


Vee said...

You gals have fun now!

podso said...

Gee I wish I could pop in on (you) two of my favorite bloggers when you have your visit! Seems like I remember you writing about that other visit. Have a great time.

Cheryl said...

Your words are so kind, sister-friend! We are so excited to be spending time with you all tomorrow!!

(Thank you, Vee! Wish you were here!)

Lorrie said...

What fun you'll have!

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...