Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, October 20, 2014


We had a lovely weekend.

It really started on Thursday evening at our ladies book study.  We were missing several of our group but the conversation about the Lord and His work in our lives, and how He is making Himself known to us was good.

We like to celebrate birthdays of the adults in our family by going out to eat as a big extended family.  When we have multiple birthdays in a month we go out just once or it would break our budgets!  May and October are those multiple birthday months for us.

Saturday most of us were able to make it to breakfast at one of our favorite places.  It was so great to be together.  It was a treat to have Tim's brother and sister in law with us this time too!  Since they are usually in Africa we don't get to celebrate birthdays together, so this time was special.

Saturday evening we went over to Joseph and Lindsay's to watch a bit of Dr. Who.  It's fun to go to your married daughters' home.  

Sunday was a great day of fellowship.  We had communion together, then a meal.  Then some of the younger folk and a few dads went on a hike to a cave they like to explore and the rest of us hung out and drank tea at my house.  The weather was so nice, after a lot of rain during the week.  We had good conversation, and sharing.  

I love this about our church family.  We are not perfect.  We are very different from each other.  But our church is strong in love and in caring for each other, bearing each others burdens, praying for each other and rejoicing with each other.  

We are rejoicing in the healthy pregnancy of one of our church members.  We are rejoicing in how well Joseph's family is doing, especially his mom.  It was so great to have her and the kids at our house and to be able to talk and laugh together.  We enjoy our married kids!  I am thankful for emotional healing and grace.  I've learned so much.

I am thankful for God's grace to me.  That He shares His strength with me when I am weak, when I hurt, when I am misunderstood.  I am thankful for His grace when I fail, and when I have need of growth.  He is generous to me, loves me.

I am thankful for each one of you who keep reading here.  I'm not sure why you do, but I am so thankful for each one.  I'm happy to call you friends.


Lorrie said...

A lovely list of thanks here.

Estelle's said...

Deanna, you are such a sweet soul! I am so happy to call you my blogging friend!

Cheryl said...

His blessings are many! He is so good!
And I am thankful for you too, friend!

Heather said...

It sounds like a lovely day!

Farrah said...

What blessings you have, Mrs. Rabe.

Theresa said...

Blessings abundant, including you:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...