Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, October 13, 2014

Reading: Books To Savor and Enjoy

I am a reader.  I read books, magazines, online.  I'm always reading, as a kid I would even read the cereal box at the breakfast table.

I have favorites and I love re-reading them, and I adore getting new books.

Here is what I've been reading lately.

 I got all these books for my birthday.  I finished Jan Karon's book.  What a delightful time with old friends in this book.  I have read Full Disclosure by Dee Henderson last year but I didn't own it.  Now I do!  I love owning books that I love.  The Nester's book is delightful as well.  Her style is very different than my own, but her decorating philosophy is alike, "It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful."

 Today, I have been reading Tasha Tudor's book 'Pumpkin Moonshine' to Kamryn.  She liked that little Sylvie Ann looked just like herself!

 I am also enjoying Victoria Magazine.  What a delight to soak in the beauty in this magazine.

What are you reading?


Rebecca said...

Did I know that Victoria magazine was back? (I'm not sure I did!)

I just finished reading Kate Llewellyn's Playing with Water: A Story of a Garden. It was thoroughly pleasurable to me. She's a new author to me - and after looking up more about her, I'm definitely going to try some more of her books.

I've still not read Jan Karon's new one. It's on my "list", also...

Farrah said...

Our reading tastes are similar. I am not sure if I will continue to subscribe to Victoria anymore though. It isn't like it was in the 1990's. Love Jan Karon's books and have it on hold at the library!

podso said...

I am saving Jan K's book and my Victoria for after my surgery. Haven't read the Henderson book and I should look for the Nester book as I've read her blog.

Vee said...

Your blog and enjoying it, too!

Cheryl said...

I recently read Jamie Langston Turner's new book, To See the Moon Again. I love anything she writes. Her books move slowly, but the characters draw you in.

I very much enjoyed The Nesting Place too! Lots of good decorating philosophy.

Heather said...

I too, love to read. I am re - reading the Fairacre books by Miss Read. I am also reading Brain integration therapy manual by Diane Craft. And I am re - reading Seasons of a Mother's Heart by Sally Clarkson. :-)

Heather said...

I forgot to mention that I have seen the Nestor's book mentioned on several blogs and I need to get it. :-)

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...