Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Event Planning

I am a born event planner.  I can't help myself.  I get ideas, you see, and then we're off!

This Sunday is our annual Fall Fest.  Our family hosts this nearly every year.  We had a rain out year and a year we went to Florida for Tim's mom's 90th birthday, and by doing so missed a freak snow storm in late October.  The event would have been cancelled, if we had been home.

It has grown, the guest list has gotten bigger and we do real hay rides (using a huge trailer and Tim's truck) in our nice farm neighbors (now) empty fields.  Last year it drizzled and after hay rides we all just kind of packed into the house.  We had an apple and pumpkin dessert cook off.  That was fun.

This year, according to the forecast we are having chilly weather but sunshine!  Hurray!  Oh, and this marks our first time having it during the day.  It will be dark by time its over but the main part of it is daytime.  

We'll be having cider, roasting hot dogs and s'mores over the bonfire, hay rides.  Instead of apple bobbing, we'll be hanging donuts for folks to try to eat with their hands behind their backs.  We may have badminton set up.


Tomorrow is the last day of the month and that means that we will be one month away from our Ladies Christmas Tea at church.  This is such a fun event, and our ladies and their guest seem to love it!

Last year, we did silver trees and snowy tablescapes.  

2013 Christmas Tea

2012 Christmas Tea

2011 Christmas Tea

2010 Christmas Tea

One year we did a friendship tea in October.  It was special but the we ladies really like our Christmas tea.

I am not going to share too much here yet, but I have the decor theme and I think I know what we'll share about.  I'm so excited.

Do you like to plan events?  Attend Tea Parties?


Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Our church doesn't have any teas, maybe I should see if there is a group interested in hosting.
Your themed tables over the years show planning and a special time for the guests.
I am going to a Victorian Christmas tea at a church in another town and look forward to it.

Cheryl said...

I do like to plan events, but mine are usually not on the same scale as yours!

Your ladies' tea looks delightful!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I attended a church long ago where they did something similar each year. It was fun to see how the different tables were decorated.

My daughter-in-law's mom is an excellent event planner. So is my daughter! I'm at a stage of life where I will let you all do the work and enjoy the efforts. ;)

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...