Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, April 17, 2017

A Beautiful Day

What a lovely day we had. The weather was amazing - we had a high of 83 degrees and a lovely breeze, we ate good food, and everyone had a good time.

Kyle and Kamryn did a kid egg hunt first!

Then it was time for the big kids!

My bookends.

We were so busy enjoying ourselves that we forgot a group photo! Mom and Dad were here, Nate, Kay and the girls, Lindsay and Joseph, and our friend Denny.  We ate ham, potato salad, baked beans, green bean casserole, fruit salad, and deviled eggs.  For dessert I made a low carb Kentucky Butter Cake, made the low carb caramel sauce linked in the recipe, and had strawberries and whipped cream with it!  Everyone loved it!  Lindsay made some oreo truffles, but I had enough of my own treats that I was able to eat on plan all day!

Lindsay worked with her horse Sandy and rode for several hours.  Kamryn got to ride as well.  Sarah shot her bow, there was a lot of baby holding, and just enjoying being together.  I'm thankful for the way my kids enjoy each other, and the grandbabies, and while we missed Emma, Vinnie and Isla, I was happy to hear of plans being made by Lindsay and Joseph, to spend part of their vacation visiting them this summer.  It also involves being where the total solar eclipse is going to be scene this summer.  Have you heard about this?

I hope that however you spent your day, that you did so knowing the Joy of our Resurrected Savior! He is fully worthy of praise!


Vee said...

There's $ in them there eggs?! No wonder the adults were scrambling. 🙂 It certainly was as fine an Easter Day in the weather department as any in recent memory. No, I have not heard of a total solar eclipse this summer. I often learn the news reading blogs.

Tara Lehman said...

Looks like you had the perfect weather for an egg hunt and a wonderful Easter!

Jennifer Westbrook said...

Cute! I don't feel so silly making little Easter baskets for my big kids now! Can't wait for the "baby holding" - I'm a bit envious that Don already held her!

Lorrie said...

We had a fine Easter weekend, too. Church time, Family time, just the two of us time, and time in the garden. The Easter egg hunt looks like it was enjoyed by all.

Kathleen Grace said...

Oh isn't it wonderful to have big family holiday celebrations!? I love to have everyone possible at ours. No little kids any more, but hopefully one of these days I'll get grandkids and can start all those fun holiday traditions again :)

Estelle's said...

I simply adore Easter egg hunts have such a large family I have trouble keeping up with all their names. Looks like a beautiful Spring Easter day!

Cheryl said...

What a celebration . . . delicious and full of family fun!!

We had an adult hunt this year too. (We hide the little foil-wrapped Hershey eggs in the house.) It was a first time for the adults and the kids LOVED it! They said it was more fun to hide eggs than find them. They took their job seriously too! There were no easy finds! :)

podso said...

Looks like wonderful weather for a great day of celebrating He is Risen! and family. Amazing you got your big kids on an egg hunt!

Tea and Friendship

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