Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Co-Op Concert

I mentioned the other day on the blog that we had our last co-op day, and rehearsal for our spring concert.  That was tonight!

Kamryn was so excited!  Kay bought Kamryn and Klaire matching dresses, too!

Here is Sarah before the concert started.  This is a great bunch of young people.  We've had such a good year!

First up are always the preschoolers!  They always make us giggle!

Then it was time for the Kindergarten-First Graders!  Kamryn is in the front row on the right side - between two kids in red!

Then the second-third grade class.  There are only 12 kids in that age group!

So they got help from Kyle's class the Fourth - Sixth graders.  Kyle is in the second row from the top, second person over.

They sang really good songs!

Then after a video of the year, and a skit by the 2nd-3rd grade drama class, it was time for the 7-Ups to sing.  Music is an elective class for these kids and the ones who chose it did a wonderful job with their songs tonight.  

Sarah had a solo on the first verse of this song.

We had a wonderful year at our co-op.  We do 10 weeks of classes in the fall and then 10 weeks in the winter.  As a family we have about six weeks of school left.  We should be done by mid-May.  We always start in the beginning of August.  This year we've kept right on moving with our school days, as we've not had anyone sick and the kids do most of their work independently.

I want to give a shout out to Becky from Hospitality Lane.  She teaches music for the 2nd-3rd, 4th-6th, and 7-Up choirs.  She did all the directing for those choirs!  She did an amazing job!


Becky K. said...

Thanks! It was great! It is awesome to work with such NICE kids and young people.

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Beyond adorable - and such talent, too.

(The matching dresses made me squeal a bit loudly!)

Best of luck for the remainder of your school days with the Co-Op.

Cheryl said...

I'll bet that was a fun night! Lovely music . . . and Sarah's voice only gets more beautiful!!

Sweet grandgirlies in matching dresses!

Vee said...

I read Becky's post explaining the choirs and now to see and hear them is a nice bookend. Delightful. Your little grandgirlies in their matching dresses are so darling and I very much enjoyed hearing the snippet of Sarah's beautiful singing. A labor of love all around.

Linda said...

Those angels in matching dresses! So precious!

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