Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Do You Have Time To Chat?

I have a lot of random thoughts this morning so I thought it was time for a chat.  Brew some tea, pour some coffee and let's settle in and catch up.

I laughed to myself yesterday, when several of you brilliantly said, "can't you just do two vases of lilacs?"  Of course I can, and I will!  My lilacs are full this year!  Isn't it funny how we just don't think of certain things?

My grandbabies are growing up.  



A BIG happening this summer is my nephew is getting married in California.  My brothers' family lives in the Long Beach area, so we thought the wedding would be in that area.  Instead the wedding is being held in Central California, very near to a sweet blog friends' home.   I think it is very nice of my nephew and his gal to make it convenient for us to meet up!  And this dear gal has opened her home to us to stay with her!  She's swell!  Rachel, Sarah, and I are going out for the wedding, and Emma and Vinnie are coming with Isla.  We are all going to stay with this friend!  

My parents will be going out early and spend a week in Monterrey celebrating their 58th wedding anniversary!  I think Lindsay and Joseph might fly out too, but not sure of what their exact plans are. But it's going to be lots of fun!  We are so happy to be able to celebrate my nephew and his bride!

Aren't they cute?

The business is going well.  We do need to buy a truck and trailer to be able to haul water to some of the inspections.  We'd like to not have to get a loan to do it, and so we are praying for God's exact provision of what we need.  Will you pray with us, too?  We are also praying for more inspections that Tim is not subcontracting, so that we are not so dependent on our friend's company to provide our work.  This is happening, as Tim is making lots of contacts, and getting calls for his own inspections.  This means we get the full fee.  We'd love to see our business grow and expand!

We have 11 days left in our homeschool year!  I'm excited and so are the kids!  Another year almost done.  When we start back in August, I'll be in my 23rd year of homeschooling and I'll have a 10th grader, a 7th grader, and Kamryn will be a 1st grader!

I guess that's all for today.  Thanks for listening!


Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Your lilacs are gorgeous! The Ohio ones not-so-much - they started to bud and we had one last nasty snow storm a while back and it was enough to severely stunt their blooms. I have the latest in the season blooming one starting to bud - two huge bushes actually - and they are right outside my kitchen window - so I am hoping for more growth - but it looks smallish and sparce, hiss.

Those babies are so adorable! I squealed at how cute the child-in-the-laundry-basket one turned out - cute cute happy cute!

Best wishes for this beautiful couple as they begin their wedded life together.

Blessings and smiles to you.

Vee said...

Just so you'll know, I often overlook the obvious. =/ Ha!

Sounds like a fun time for your family this summer since you'll be staying at a blogger friend's home. Some people are so incredibly generous.

Happy to pray for your family business. I am so glad to learn that it is doing well. Praise God!

Terra said...

Sweet lilacs and grandbabies.

Lorrie said...

Blogging friends have great solutions sometimes! A good chat, with updates on various fronts.

Cheryl said...

I think it's amazing how much those baby girls look alike! I don't think they started out looking so similar, but they have certainly started to favor one another as the months have gone by. They are both adorable!!

Oooo...I am so excited with you about your adventure this summer. How delightful to meet a blogging friend! And not simply meet her, but be invited into her home as special guests! She is a dear!

I will pray for you and Tim and for the business, that the Lord will bless it for your provision and His glory!

Theresa said...

Joining you in praying for the needs to be filled! What an awesome friend to open up her home for you and your family! I believe that my Blog friends are some of the best friends that I have! Enjoy your day dear friend with your beautiful lilacs! HUGS!

podso said...

Grandbabies are growing quickly but sweeter every day. Fun to have two so close in age. Sounds like you have a fun adventure ahead of you this summer!

Tanya@EverAfterCottage said...

I didn't realize we were in similar places with homeschooling! This fall I'll be in my 19th (!) year (we didn't start until our oldest was entering 6th grade), and I'll have one in 12th, 4th, 3rd and 1st grades.

Linda said...

I'm so happy to hear your business is growing! Enjoyed chatting with you this morning!
A first grader? You certainly have been at this homeschooling career for a very long time! I loved it when I was teaching Amber and Ben. I think I learned more than they did!

Kim said...

That's funny, I didn't really think of two vases, either!! ;) We went to my cousin's son's wedding this weekend and it was wonderful to celebrate with family. Happy to hear about your business, of course I will send prayers. I enjoyed this chat!

Debby Ray said...

Oh...I just love the baby in the basket adorable!

Buttercup said...

I'd love a chat! Beautiful lilacs and beautiful company. The wedding will be such fun and fun, too to spend time with a blog buddy. Prayers for Tim's business.

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...