Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, April 6, 2017

I've Been Taking A Business Class

For the past three weeks, Tim and I have been attending a class on Wednesday evenings.  It is put on by SCORE .  This class is intended for people looking to start a business, but there are a few of us who already have a business, but are looking to learn more.  

Every Wednesday the kids go to frisbee, then Kyle leaves there with friends and goes to Awana.  We go to our class.  Yesterday was a beautiful day, so we went to dinner before our class.  It was so nice out we sat outside to eat.  We tried a place in the city right across from Franklin & Marshall college.  It was called Fresh Farms Cafe.   It was very good, and Tim and I talked about a potential business idea I've been mulling over.

The people in our class are so interesting with their business ideas.  The ladies in front of me are starting a floral design business, and the two couples who sit in front of them have a custom furniture/wood products business and a heating and air conditioning business.  

This photo was from the from our first week.  Last night we talked about Marketing.

This class has helped us see what we are doing right, what we need to work on (marketing), and to make goals for the business.

Our two main goals when we started our business were about margin - both financial and time.  We have achieved those in some ways, but need to build up the financial margin.  

We need to buy a truck and trailer for the business, and since we are not fans of debt, we've never had a loan (other than our mortgage) before.  We are praying about it, and one of the two remaining classes will touch on this very thing.

It's a hard, but amazing thing.  I wish we'd started when we were in our twenties, but I am thankful to be walking this path now.

Do any of you have your own business or a family business?


Linda said...

In my 'other life' we were self employed. My husband was a stone mason and I did the payroll and kept the books. There were years we made a great deal of money and other years not so much. I would pay bills ahead and stock up on pantry items in the good times and cut to the bone in the not so prosperous times. We talked like farmers putting up for the winter! It's a way of life and my sister is still running their plumbing business and dreaming of checking the box saying 'lei all filing.' Workman's Comp, withholding, quarterly reports and audits are all things I use to deal with but not any more! In my life now, we live on a set budget for the most part. I've done both. You are right about moving forward in your business now. These are your prime years for building income!
Staying out of debt is a really good thing. That's always been my way of life. I love the challenge of living big on a small amount. However, in business you sometimes have to spend now to make more later. It will be interesting to see what the class says in the weeks to come! I say, "Bravo! Good for you!"

Rebecca said...

What a great resource! Hope you continue to find strong concepts to apply to your existing AND potential business!

Vee said...

Good idea to get educated. 🙂

Well you know that John was self-employed as a contractor. He probably wished he had taken a class. I am in the process of going through all his old books...zillions of them. Interesting stuff sometimes.

And even little ole me had a cottage cleaning business through the summers for about five years. Those "cottages" were far better than my home and it was fun to see how the other side side lived.

podso said...

It sounds like a smart thing to do. And I hope you get to live out your dream of starting another business. There are so many interesting niche businesses people have started up.

Kim said...

I love how you are practically pursuing your dreams!

Tea and Friendship

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