Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, March 31, 2017

Arthur Wood & Sons Teapot

I bought a teapot last week from a friend who was downsizing some of her collections.

It's so pretty and different from any that I own.  I think its shape is very feminine.

I'd love to know the name of this pattern and possibly the year it was made. I tried to look up information on it to find out the name but cannot find a good source.  I did read that Arthur Wood & Son closed in 2003 and were bought by another company.  If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to hear them! (I did try Replacements)

I had trouble with photos this morning due to our rainy weather.  This teapot is cheery though, isn't it?

Have a happy weekend!

I'm joining Bernideen's Friends Sharing Tea today.


Theresa said...

Beautiful! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Elizabethd said...

It is lovely. The Daffodils on a white background are repeated inn other of the Woods designs, but I can't tell you the name of this one. Maybe try Ebay?

Rebecca said...

What an unusual (and pretty) teapot!
Have a blessed weekend ♥

Antiques And Teacups said...

Hi there! As I responded to Bernideen's tag to me for is what I put...hope this helps! Love the shape! This is a recent pattern made by a decal company that sold to many English potteries that didn't have their own in-house designers, and many didn't name them at all or gave them their own names. So hard to find the exact with your maker maybe, but easy to find it by any one of a number of different potters. I think this particular one showed up through the English pottery wholesalers in 1994 if I remember correctly...or there abouts.

Bernideen said...

Such a lovely teapot and I am so pleased you shared it!!! Looks very sturdy and perfect for spring and Easter!

Vee said...

It is a very pretty tea pot and perfect for spring!

Estelle's said...

You might check Ebay Deanna...this is LOVELY! Such a treasure!

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Love your teapot - what a lovely one to add to your collections.

I'd suggest going to ebay - it is a great source to learn pattern names.

Have a wonderful weekend. : - )

Louca por porcelana said...

Love your teapot!So beautiful!Thanks for sharing!Hugs,Maristella.

Margie said...

What a pretty teapot! It looks like it can serve copious amounts of tea!

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