Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Mom's Tea

Last night I hosted 15 moms from our homeschool co-op for tea and conversation about having a 'life giving' home.  

I had planned to take some before photos of my tea table, at least, because it all looked so pretty.  My back decided to protest a bit, and I needed to deal with it before the ladies came.  So I have 'after' photos, taken this morning.

About six moms lingered late - it was so good to share with each other, and encourage one another.  Some of the moms have young kids, some have kids whose parents had been drug addicts, some have kids with learning disabilities.  What a joy it was to encourage them to make the Lord the center of their homes, to remember on the hard days that God is using it all for our good, and His glory, to remind them that God is never finished with us.


podso said...

I'm sorry about your back. But it sounds like a worthwhile time and I'm sure everything was pretty! It's those later in the evening conversations that often seem to be worth their weight in gold.

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

What a special time and investment.

Sherry said...

i'm sure the tea and conversation led to most if not all ladies being loved and blessed deep in their hearts. ♥

Christine said...

Great way to show your tea party, with after photos.
How's your back?

Debby Ray said...

It sounds like a fun time and you certainly have some lovely teacups and silver! Happy March!

Linda said...

You are so generous with the way you share your home, your time and your life with others!
You truly have the gift of hospitality!

Vee said...

What a blessing you are! Those precious moms must have clung to every word...refreshment for body, mind, and spirit. I love your after photos...very pretty. Praying that your back has recovered. Has it?

Cheryl said...

Oooo...I hope that you're feeling much better. Back problems can be dreadful.

What a lovely evening that must have been. Beautiful, and as Vee has said, nourishing to body and soul!

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...