Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, March 13, 2017

Preparation For A Storm

In Pennsylvania the joke is that as soon as snow is in the forecast, people rush to the store and buy out the milk and bread!  Its really crazy.

Here at the cottage we keep a decent pantry - with extras of things we like to eat - so that if a storm comes or some other sort of issue happens, we have food available.  We also have bottled water, and we have a lot of tea and coffee!

I'm happy I do not have to rush out and buy things at the last minute ahead of the storm that is expected to arrive tomorrow evening and last through Tuesday night.

This is the 2nd call from the Eastern Pennsylvania Weather Authority.

It may change but as of now we are preparing for 18-24 inches with high sustained winds.  It's going to be a blizzard where we live!

We are fortunate that our power lines are buried here, but if the weather goes out in another area that affects us, we are prepared.

We have a wood stove for heat, we have camping lanterns that run on mini propane bottles, we have a gas stove that can be lit manually.  We have candles, and we have batteries.  With it being so cold outside if we needed to we could put freezer items just outside the door on our deck, and they would stay frozen.  There also will be plenty of snow to scoop up and melt to flush toilets, if necessary due to a power outage.

Rachel and Tim both work tomorrow, but will be home before the storm hits.  Then no one is going anywhere on Tuesday.

If we don't lose power we'll likely watch a few movies, and we'll play games, nap, read.

Are any of you in the path of this storm?  How have you prepared?


Vee said...

I'll be one of those buying milk and bread. I've put it off for days, but I must have them for a storm. =D I hope that it isn't bad for you. I don't think that we are expecting anything that bad. Bad enough because we all really want and need spring. May this be winter's last hurrah. In the meantime, your plans sound like happy and good ones.

Lorrie said...

That's quite the ominous weather map. It's good you're prepared. Stay safe. Be cozy.

Buttercup said...

We're looking at 12-18 inches, forecast to start tomorrow night. I'm well stocked, just need some fruit for snacks. I hope to get to the post office tomorrow and then -- if the forecast is right -- it's books, blogging and coffee. So grateful I have no plans that can't be postponed. Take care and keep cozy!

Sylvia said...

I just saw the news about all the snow coming your way, stay warm and safe!

Theresa said...

Just cold here! Stay safe and warm, sounds like you have a plan for the storm:) HUGS!

podso said...

We enjoyed the beauty of our 1-2 inches yesterday morning since the roads remained clear, and it was gone and sunny by mid afternoon. But you are the ones that sound like it's going to be a big one with those sustained winds. Sounds like you are ready for a cozy storm day. Stay safe!

Rhonda said...

We woke up to a pretty snowfall this morning and it's still snowing off and on. But nothing like what you are predicted to get! We haven't seen weather like that in years. But, we are still prepared just in case! Stay safe, warm and cozy!

Rebecca said...

Indiana folk are the same - running to grocery stores to stock up!
Sounds like you're prepared for the worst.
Praying for protection and shelter for all. ♥

Tammy said...

No storm here in SE Georgia, but rain and COLD (at least for us at this time of year). It's like we had spring in winter, and now winter in spring!

Y'all stay safe and warm up there!

Ginny said...

I'll be sure to pray for you during this storm. Up here in western New York, we are expecting 10" - 20" by the time this is over Wednesday night. At some point we will get some wind, up to 40 MPH. We've been through two windstorms in the past ten days and had somewhere near 120,000 people without power, and not everyone has gotten it back yet. My house has major roof damage; I will have to at least replace the front roof, but am thinking it would be best to do the entire thing if the money is available. I'll get something from my insurance for the damage. As far as preparing for this storm, we always have plenty of food in the house, plus a gas stove so we can cook. I have several gallons of kerosene for the kerosene heater, should it become necessary to use it, or we might turn it on just to keep it warmer in the house. We should be just fine.

Cheryl said...

Looks like your plan is good!! Stay warm and safe, friend!!

Stacy said...

I hope you are faring well through the storm. Over here in the southwest corner of PA we were expecting 8-12 inches (we're in the ridges of the Laurel Highlands), but there's only about an inch out there at this point. It's still a snow day for me as school was cancelled last night based on the forecast.

relevanttealeaf said...

We only got a small amount of snow in Michigan, but we were hit hard by the high winds last Wednesday. Fortunately we didn't lose power, but our son did for five days. Currently it's 20 degree here, so a good day to stay inside. I'm anxious to try out a new pumpkin pasta sauce. Sounds like you're all prepared for come what may. Hopefully it won't be too bad.

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...