Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Book Talk

I know many of you were as hopeful as we were about our trip to the bookstore.  However, the sale got going last week, which we didn't know, and there was not much left that we were interested in anyway.

We found a few things, and had a nice chat with the owner.  They were bombarded with shoppers last week!  They are retiring after 20 years of owning the bookstore.

The day was not a complete loss as I got to spend a good portion of the day with my girls, and we were texting with Emma and Isla in SC, so it was like they were all there.  I never take this time for granted.

Several of you mentioned my Gladys Taber books.  I first heard of her from Brenda, I believe, and then also Susan Branch has mentioned her.  I had never heard of her before this, so I was intrigued.  

Imagine my surprise one day to walk into my 'go to' used bookstore and fine a whole section of Gladys Taber books.  I didn't know which ones to buy, so I chose one of all that they had.  They were $3.50 each.  Amazing.

I've not read all of them yet, either.

I got the Bess Streeter Aldrich book there, as well.

How many of you have read Gladys Taber's books?  Which are your favorite?  

What other authors would you recommend?

I also wanted to respond to someone's comment asking if my books are alphabetized.  They are not!  I do put authors together on my shelves and put books in order if they are a series.

How about you?  Do you have a certain way you organize your books?

7 comments: said...

That's sad to hear about the book store closing. I also enjoy Miss Read (school life in the English Cottswold region), and Jan Karon (Mitford series).
How I display my books are two different ways...mainly by Author in order of year written, but on my Living Room bookshelf, it's by color. I take the dust jacket off and arrange by seasonal color on the two top shelves!

Rebecca said...

I have several Gladys Taber books. I will even pick up duplicates if the price is right :) Like Melissa, Miss Read books are favorites of mine. I recently found one on a sale rack at a library I was visiting for $1. Organizationally, I'm kind of loose. If I have several by an author (Taber, Nouwen, Stoddard, Miss Read, etc.) I'll shelve them together. Otherwise, they're kind of in categories - devotional, Bible reference books, decorating, personal growth, etc.

Vee said...

by color ☺️ unless I have several by the same author or several in the same genre...

I knew it was going to be a good day even if you didn't find too much of interest...I also purchase books for their titles only or if they have sweet illustrations.

podso said...

You don't always score but it sounds like a great outing anyway!

Stacy said...

I hadn't heard of Gladys Tabor before, but went and looked on Amazon and found many of her books are available there some new and some used. I love reading books that are essentially journals so these are going on the list of books to read. Thanks for mentioning them.

Unknown said...

Book addict here! I alphabetize and also separate by genre. I like Mrs Daffodil best by Taber, though I haven't read many others. I also like Jan Karon, Lee Smith, Fannie Flagg, and JK Rowling-I will read just about anything.

Margie said...

The first real job that I had was at the library so the art of alphabetizing has been ingrained in me. I organize my books by genre. Within each genre, the books are alphabetized by authors. Within each author groups, the books are alphabetized by title.

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