Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Painted Chair

I'm on a roll!  Lol!  Some weeks I feel I hardly do anything around here and other weeks I get so much done.  

I've had this chair since Tim and I got married in 1988.  It used to be country blue.  Remember the blue and mauve country colors in the 80's?  Those were the colors I used.  

Then when my parents moved to Pennsylvania, I loaned it to her for her mudroom and she painted it green with white dabbed on.  Remember that look from the late 90's?

After I got it back I painted it white with milk paint.  It gets a lot of use so after many years it needed to be painted and I decided to try an Annie Sloan chalk paint color that I bought at my friends' yard sale.  English Yellow.

I still need to wax it.

It's a lovely color, very intense, which is fine for this accent chair.  The beauty of chalk paint is that you can mix the colors to get any shade you want!  This color with white would give you a lovely shade of soft yellow.  

I'm loving it.

What do you think?  Would paint a bold color on an accent chair?  Have you ever used chalk paint?


Karen Andreola said...

This butter-yellow chair is soooo cute. Good color choice. I haven't tried chalk painting but it looks like a fun project, for sure. Both my daughters like to paint furniture. Sophia has done several small pieces in layers. Then scrubs the corners and adds glaze to give it an historic finish. She warned me that rubbing in the wax can make your arms ache. But she tries to get as much done as she can in an hour before the baby wakes up.

Chy said...

Great chair. Love the color!

I just painted my first chalk paint project yesterday. Second coat is now on and today I'm going to purchase the wax to finish it off. This is the part that scares me. Hoping I choose the right product and it gives the desired finish.

X Chy

Sylvia said...

I've never used chalk paint. The color is pretty and I love the design of the chair.

Estelle's said...

Who wouldn't smile sitting in this sweet sunny yellow chair! Perhaps a sweet littlc cushion to add a bit of whimsy! Precious! Love the color Deanna!

Kim said...

Lovely. And can you believe I have never tried chalk paint. Then again, I am not much of a furniture painter. I'm a lazy crafter! ;)

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

I love chalk paint! And I like the versatility of it too! Your chair looks wonderful, love that sunshine yellow!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Deanna, your chair almost beckons one to come and sit in it. That's what I find about yellow. It is a warm friendly colour. They say yellow houses and houses with yellow doors sell faster because they look friendly. Hope our yellow doors help sell this place when we're ready to put it on the market. I decorated with blue and peach for years because I had a house full of men. Now, I am free to use whatever colour I want. Although I miss my guys being here. Enjoy the rest of your week.


Vee said...

I love that surely gives you that pop of color that is always recommended.

Cheryl said...

You won't even miss your yellow walls with sweet touches like this yellow chair!! said...

That chair really looks nice! A sturdy chair as it has been passed around for so many years!

Linda said...

I love the color!! I have not had a great deal of luck with chalk paint! Remember the disaster of the night stand last July?? Still, I would love to redo the desk in the sewing room.....

Bernideen said...

It looks lovely - the waxing is important to seal!

Bernideen said...

Yes - lots of things at my house are painted with CeCe Caldwell chalk paint. I like it better than Annie Sloan's because - no odor!

Kathleen Grace said...

I do love the yellow, I am on a yellow kick this spring and am currently enjoying it in the pots of daffodils in my dining room. I LOVE painting chairs bright colors. They give a movable spot of cheer and can be repainted fairly easily. I just used chalk paint on the buffet for the first time. I like how one coat does the trick! Your chair looks great.

Tea and Friendship

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