Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Scottish Country Dancing

Sarah and I went to a weekly group that dances Scottish Country Dance.  We've been doing English Country Dance for years now, but are excited to learn Scottish.

If you've read here for any length of time you may remember that we went to this group last fall.  We had so much fun and vowed to return.  Well our lives got busy, then the holidays arrived.  Tuesday evening we finally made it back.

The instructor Sandy graciously came early to help us with foot work and patterns.  That was fun and challenging, and after that my back protested so I watched and took photos.

Sarah danced almost every dance!

It's a very lovely group of people.  I'm hoping some more of my English Country Dancing friends will want to come along and learn to do Scottish Country Dancing!


Cheryl said...

Looks like lots of fun! I'll bet it's good exercise too! (Sorry your back kept you from participating more. Maybe next time . . . )

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

How fun. What a neat thing to do with your daughter.

Sylvia said...

Looks like an evening of fun. Don't think my knees would alow me to dance.

Sherry said...

what fun!

podso said...

It looks complex but a lot of fun!

Vee said...

Looks like fun! Sorry that your back protested. Love Sarah's posture!


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