Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Home Keeping: Flatware Drawer Change

I don't have any before photos of the Rubbermaid blue plastic flatware divider that we had in our kitchen drawer for nearly 30 years.  I came to hate that thing.

I would look on Pinterest at kitchen things and see options for storing and separating flatware 

and fell for this one - 

I mentioned it at times to Tim, but recently was just fed up with the whole flatware drawer (it also houses straws, and odd sized serving pieces of flatware), and threw the blue plastic holder out!

Today, with the snow coming down, Tim took the opportunity to make me dividers for the drawer we have and to make it custom to our needs.

Isn't it great?  I really love it!  Its just what I wanted!

I'm sharing a photo from my bedroom window taken this afternoon after the snow was basically over.  

We didn't get as much as they thought, but that is likely because we had sleet/ice for many hours overnight and this morning.  We never lost power, and have had a cozy, relaxing day.


Vee said...

What a nice set-up! My sister is in the process of gathering ideas for her kitchen. I am sending her the link. I have always wanted a section for my soup spoons away from the regular spoons. Straws in a drawer with silverware? Aren't they too light? They could float away! Glad that you had a productive day and a cozy one, too. That snow will not be staying long.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Your drawers look fabulous. You gave me inspiration. If the snow ever melts I am going out to get dividers. Love the pics from Pinterest but that's not going to happen!! Enjoy your week.

Estelle's said...

Custom made drawers....beautiful! You are so going to enjoy this! And...the snow, the snow....brr.....y'all stay warm up there!

Linda said...

I'm going to show this to Louis Dean!!! Your husband is amazing!! How wonderful of him to use this time to gift you with custom made drawer dividers!!
I love to look at your snow pic! Warm in Texas with the French doors open! Winter totally missed us!

Rebecca said...

What a great "fix"! I have similar frustrations with our silverware drawer.... Hmmmm.

podso said...

What a great drawer. Could he come make me one?! I'm glad you had a nice day with less than predicted and no power loss.

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

What a perfect solution. I love it.

Cheryl said...

Now THAT is a great way to spend a snow day! :) Great job, Tim!

I absolutely love organizing projects. I am always thinking about ways to organize and make sense of our stuff and improve the way our house flows. Your new silverware drawer is a good one.

Vee said...

My sister loved it!

Tim said...

Go Tim!

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